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matthiasbock edited this page Dec 5, 2012 · 1 revision

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What is it ?

Qoomlinda is a very simple web framework, that is accessed via a web browser and presents a desktop to you with all your "WebApps" (see below). It also allows you to install or remove WebApps.

And technically ?

Technically it is nothing more than a customizeable web page with a list of web links, nicely presented with titles and icons, as the user might be used to it from e.g. Android. Therefore Qoomlinda requires nothing more than a web browser, whereas it's files may be located on your personal computer as well as on a remote server.

What is a WebApp ?

Qoomlinda is capable of integrating HTML/JavaScript-based applications, which may even run on a different host. As these applications or application frameworks are executed/accessed via a web browser, they are in this context referred to as WebApps.

Technically such WebApps may come e.g. as Debian packages, which you may install onto your system either via the package management system of your choice (e.g. aptitude) or via the Qoomlinda WebApp-Center itself, given that the latter one has sufficient priviledges. They may also be a wrapper for an existing web service, like Facebook.

What is the advantage ?

The advantage of web-based applications is the platform independence. As more and more services become available on the internet, for a user the demand for an organized environment arises, which makes remotely executed applications easy to organize and manage. One major advantage is also, that logins can be performed automatically by Qoomlinda only once for all applications.