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Thomas Kalka edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 4 revisions

create multipath roadmap

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create network / community

  • farmers
  • designers / engineers
  • technicans
  • workshops

gather allready existent documentation (youtube, websites)

  • create youtube channel contai[ning all information

  • collect toppics

    • building blocks
    • tools
  • create cut-list (time in video to topic)

create multilanguage presentation


  • motivation (benefits)
  • allready done work
  • goals

possible targets:

  • cooperators
  • crowdfunders
  • agree on names for components

create design

  • which tools to use ?
    • sketchup +easy -windows only
    • freecad +opensource +parametric -beta
    • openscad +-programmers only +opensource -not cad