DogmaVis is a small package which aims to reproduce the central dogma by allowing transcription of DNA to RNA and translation from RNA to amino acids.
Along with the information flow capabilities, the package also comes with a function for generating random DNA strings and a function for plotting the distribution of amino acids.
The GitHub repository for this package can be found at:
DogmaVis consists of 5 funtions.
We run through small example which utilizes the functions of the package.
First we wish to create a DNA string using generate_dna()
. The
function generate_dna()
takes a integer and generates a random DNA
string of the given length.
dna <- generate_dna(length_of_dna = 75)
Next, we wish to translate the DNA to RNA using the function T_to_U()
The function T_to_U()
takes as input a DNA sequence and converts it a
RNA sequence simply by substituting all T´s with U´s.
rna <- T_to_U(DNA_sequence = dna)
Once a RNA sequence has been generated, we want to translate the RNA
sequence into amino acids, however first we need to create codons from
the RNA sequence using format_to_codons()
. The function takes a RNA
sequence as input and where the first condon starts and returns the RNA
rna_codons <- format_to_codons(rna_seq = rna, start = 1)
#> [1] "AUU" "CGG" "CUG" "CCA" "AUU" "CAC" "ACG" "UCU" "AGG" "GUA" "AUU" "UGG"
#> [13] "AUC" "UGC" "AGC" "CCC" "UAG" "UUC" "UUA" "UCA" "ACC" "AGU" "UGC" "AAC"
#> [25] "CAU"
Then, these codons can now be translated to amino acids using the
function. This function takes the RNA condons as
input and returns as amino acids sequence.
amino_acids <- translate_codons(rna_codons)
At last we want to visualize the distribution of the amino acids using
the plot_aa_dist()
. This function takes as input a amino acid sequence
and produces a plot of the count distribution of all the amino acids
found in the sequence.
We see fit that the individual functions could be used for
bioinformatics work in other pipelines. One might want to extract the
amino acid sequence from a DNA or RNA sequence. Another use case to be
to the generate_dna()
to generate random DNA sequence for testing a
computational tool, which works on DNA data. It could be interesting to
include a function which calculates the GC-content of the DNA sequence.
Further, it would be nice to a the ability to visualize the the
different physicochemical properties of the amino acids. This could
e.g. be a plot showing the distribution of the different amino acid
physicochemical classes.
Meaningful names help create quick overview and interpretation of the functions in the package. Having less dependencies means faster load, less overwriting of functions names/conflict in namespace and less mess when other packages needs to be update and might change their functionality.