The focus of the engine lies on stability, performance, and platform independence.
- Direct3D, OpenGL(Implemented), Vulkan and MoltenVK support
- Scripting language: At first lua, later probably Squirrel
- Basic engine fundament (window, logging, events, etc.)
- OpenGL support
- Windows support
- Linux support (X11)
- Batch renderer
- Particle system (Under construction)
- Asset manager
- Level system / Async streaming
- Level save / Serialization
- Animation support
- Scripting language: Lua support (partial)
- Post processing
- Phys75 - Physics engine
- Complete editor
- macOS support (on hold until clang supports coroutines)
There is a simple 3D editor mode, but further 3D support is not realized until the 2D version of the engine is ready.