Creating a summary tabular dataset that can be used to analyze the bird collision data.
python InputFileFolder outputpath
- Dropping the null values in the three dataframes.
- Renaming the columns in the flight call data frame as per the given format. {"Species":"Genus","Family":"Species","Collisions":"Family","Call":"Flight Call"}
- the light level values in the dataframe are converted to integer values from float as given in the requirement.
- Then dataframes are joined based on common columns:
- Here joining is done between light levels data frame and collisions data frame based on the DATE column.
- then join combined new data frame with Flight calls data frame based on genus and species.
- then the combined dataframe is printed on to json output file.
Here the output is given as json file as it has
- a smaller message size
- it can easily represent null values.
- More structural information in the document. Can easily distinguish between the number 1 and the string "1" as numbers, strings (and Booleans) are represented differently in JSON.
numpy==1.20.1 pandas==1.2.2 python-dateutil==2.8.1 pytz==2021.1 six==1.15.0