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Release 2022.03.14

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@harshad16 harshad16 released this 14 Mar 13:21
· 477 commits to master since this release

we have completed the release for v2022.03.14 πŸŽ‰ 🎊 πŸ₯³


Notify users when they use PyTorch index

Newly, the resolver notifies users if they consume releases from the PyTorch index.

Memory optimizer in adviser

If Thoth's adviser consumes too much memory and is killed on OOM in a deployment, a memory optimizer can be turned on. The memory optimizer removes data from some of the internal data structures to optimize memory consumption. This can slow down finding a resolved set of dependencies or making the search not that optimal. Users, however, can get results instead of OOM.

Created new handler that uses image analysis results and generate new prescriptions

Automatically propagated from the container image analyses - the container image analysis would provide how Pipfile looked like on image build and that information will be part of the image analyses information derived by package-extract (similarly as we propagate information about RPM packages). In this case, we implemented a handler in prescriptions-refresh-job that:

  • checks what ps images are hosted on quay
  • ask what is the container image analysis result and how the Pipfile looked like during the build
  • automatically create prescriptions based on direct dependencies in Pipfile


Automatically bump base image versions to latest available on Quay

A new script integrated in the aicoe-ci pipeline allows to automatically update the base image versions present in configuration files such as .aicoe-ci.yaml to the latest available on Quay. The pipeline is triggered by an action on a repository such as the opening of a pull request or an issue. If the base image versions are not up-to-date compared on available versions on Quay, a pull request is automatically opened for the corresponding update.
For an example, see: thoth-station/package-releases-job#637 which was triggered by thoth-station/package-releases-job#636 on the package-releases-job repository.

Fix method to iterate on thoth files

slo-reporter was not able to provide an analysis of adviser results. advise-reporter logic was not able to read adviser files, due to a method in thoth-storages. Iterating over files in a bucket gives empty lists even if files exist because the prefix used to identify them is using a default value that is not updated. The value RESULT_TYPE is fixed.

Component Updates

Thanks for the amazing work everyone. πŸ’―