This exists to show the best practices for Tidepool code. Eventually it will be an example of how we design APIs, write code, do documentation, do testing, and deploy reliably.
Literate documentation of the sample code is here.
OK. That didn't work because I didn't think that github would serve the source of the HTML instead of as a page. We need to build deployment before I can build a link that works.
To use this stuff, you need to install node, npm, and grunt. (details to come).
Installing Node
Installing NPM
- Overview
curl | sh
Installing Grunt
- Getting started instructions
npm install -g grunt-cli
Once you have those, you can install all dependencies with:
npm install
For ease of test/debug, you can run this under nodemon, which is why there's a Procfile. You simply have to run nodemon from the top level folder and it will Do The Right Thing. The default port is
port 80, so chances are that to run locally you'll want to set the DUMMY_PORT environment variable
to a port you'd like to use for testing. For example, export DUMMY_PORT=7887
We use docco.