Experimenting with a DataFrame-like structure in J
This implementation of a J Dataframe uses an Inverted Table structure to store the data and adds a header row for naming fields/columns. The result is a 2-row by n-column table of boxes where n is the number of fields/columns in the Dataframe.
The addon allows verbs from the 'general/misc/inverted' script (designed for Inverted tables), to work with a J Dataframe structure via the dfPipe
To install addon, from a J session:
install 'github:tikkanz/jdataframe'
load 'tables/dataframe'
coinsert 'pdataframe'
require 'tables/csv'
]B=: fixcsv noun define
│Id│Name │Job │Status │
│3 │Jerry │Unemployed│Married │
│6 │Jan │CEO │Married │
│5 │Frieda│student │Single │
│1 │Alex │Waiter │Separated│
NB. A DataFrame is a list of boxed column labels, laminated to an inverted table.
]Bdf=: 1 makeDataFrame B
│Id│Name │Job │Status │
│3 │Jerry │Unemployed│Married │
│6 │Jan │CEO │Married │
│5 │Frieda│student │Single │
│1 │Alex │Waiter │Separated│
NB. `dfPipe` is an adverb that applies inverted table verbs to a DataFrame.
tsort dfPipe Bdf
│Id│Name │Job │Status │
│1 │Alex │Waiter │Separated│
│3 │Jerry │Unemployed│Married │
│5 │Frieda│student │Single │
│6 │Jan │CEO │Married │
NB. `dfp` is an alias for `dfPipe`
tmakenumcol dfp tsort dfp Bdf
│Id │Name │Job │Status │
│1 3 5 6│Alex │Waiter │Separated│
│ │Jerry │Unemployed│Married │
│ │Frieda│student │Single │
│ │Jan │CEO │Married │
0 2 3 tfrom dfp ('Id';'Job') dfSelect tmakenumcol dfp tsort dfp Bdf
│Id │Job │
│1 5 6│Waiter │
│ │student │
│ │CEO │
NB. Working with bigger tables
$Ivt=. (<1e6 + ?~1e5), ifa 1e5 5 ?@$ 0 NB. create 6 column numeric Inverted table
NB. `tshow` is a verb for formatting inverted tables to display a sample
tshow Ivt
│integer│floating │floating │floating │floating│floating│
│--- │--- │--- │--- │--- │--- │
│1075046│ 0.577324│0.326908│0.513408 │0.0404037│0.796914│
│1049892│0.0993946│0.998484│ 0.64112 │ 0.534353│0.853303│
│1071469│ 0.152675│ 0.46638│0.961524 │ 0.69655│0.887527│
│1097164│ 0.430858│ 0.12542│0.688066 │ 0.605572│ 0.27933│
│1097134│ 0.513834│0.984058│0.661339 │ 0.736824│0.575513│
│... │... │... │... │... │... │
│1081526│0.116691 │0.778937│ 0.610106│ 0.921476│0.440309│
│1003592│0.421378 │0.922601│ 0.73872│ 0.448878│0.876693│
│1014189│ 0.19164 │ 0.31856│0.0756206│ 0.755682│0.456555│
│1098643│0.272687 │0.183623│ 0.95511│0.0746902│0.996458│
│1020349│ 0.67446 │ 0.64529│ 0.600252│ 0.180631│0.922642│
NB. `makeDataFrame` adds default header names to an inverted table, creating a DataFrame
tshow dfp makeDataFrame Ivt
│column_1│column_2 │column_3│column_4 │column_5 │column_6│
│integer │floating │floating│floating │floating │floating│
│--- │--- │--- │--- │--- │--- │
│1075046 │ 0.577324│0.326908│0.513408 │0.0404037│0.796914│
│1049892 │0.0993946│0.998484│ 0.64112 │ 0.534353│0.853303│
│1071469 │ 0.152675│ 0.46638│0.961524 │ 0.69655│0.887527│
│1097164 │ 0.430858│ 0.12542│0.688066 │ 0.605572│ 0.27933│
│1097134 │ 0.513834│0.984058│0.661339 │ 0.736824│0.575513│
│... │... │... │... │... │... │
│1081526 │0.116691 │0.778937│ 0.610106│ 0.921476│0.440309│
│1003592 │0.421378 │0.922601│ 0.73872│ 0.448878│0.876693│
│1014189 │ 0.19164 │ 0.31856│0.0756206│ 0.755682│0.456555│
│1098643 │0.272687 │0.183623│ 0.95511│0.0746902│0.996458│
│1020349 │ 0.67446 │ 0.64529│ 0.600252│ 0.180631│0.922642│