Dockerized R application to find keywords and/or sentences from PDF files and find which ones are a match. The structure of the program is as follows:
- pdf2text.R script converts the .pdf files into .txt, which are saved into the txt-files folder.
- keyword-finder.R script searches for case-insentive matches from keywords and sentences saved in the keywords.txt file. Matches are saved into an excel file that indicates what word/sentence has been matched and in which file(s).
- The output excel file has the matched words/sentences as the columns.
Docker must be installed:
- Check TSH's building block on how to set it up
Save the PDF files that you want to search for inside the "pdf-files" folder (files/pdf-files)
Input in the keywords.txt file any keywords or sentences that you want to search for in the previosuly saved .pdf files (inside the pdf-files folder).
- Each keyword or sentence must be saved on a different line
- The search is case-insensitive
Build the image from the directory where there Dockerfile is located by typing in the command line:
docker build -t myname/myimage .
Once built (it might take a few minutes) run the image inside the container
docker run -it --rm -v "PATH on local computer":"container working directory" myname/myimage
Results are presented in the "search_results.xls" file (inside the output folder)
Note: .gitkeep files added in empty folders