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Experiments in Deep Reinforcement Learning applied to gridworlds for my Bachelor's thesis at KIT.

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INFO: This repository has just been made public to allow access. The documentation and README have not been finalized yet and are subjet to major revisions.

  • Introduction here

Quick Start

  • Installation steps & tested versions
  • Give different possibilites of using this repo:
    • Explain how to use the trained models
    • Explain how to follow the exact steps I made

To get an overview of this project's structure, refer to the section Quick Overview.

Installation of packages

The recommended Python version for working with this codebase is 3.10.5. The repository contains a submodule implemented in Gym Minigrid which expects at least version 3.5 or later.

The required packages to this repository (and subsequently, its submodule) are listed below:

Conda (tested on mac m1 with miniconda3):

conda create -n thesis_env python=3.10.5
conda activate thesis_env
conda install gym==0.21.0
conda install matplotlib==3.5.1
conda install stable-baselines3==1.1.0
conda install tensorboard==2.9.1

Additionally, you may install seaborn for plots in the jupyter notebooks:

conda install seaborn==0.11.2

venv (tested on linux and mac m1):

Careful, unlike conda, venv depends on the currently installed python version. To make sure which python version you are using, type python3 --version in your terminal.

python3 -m venv thesis_env
source thesis_env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install gym==0.21.0
python3 -m pip install matplotlib==3.5.1
python3 -m pip install stable-baselines3==1.1.0
python3 -m pip install tensorboard==2.9.1
python3 -m pip install seaborn==0.11.2

For both approaches, all required dependencies should be automatically installed. If this is not the case, try to install the required packages as per the provided requirements files (linux or mac m1).

Test Experiment

To see if everything works as expected, execute the following commands in the repository's directory (Make sure to load the contents of the submodule with git submodule update as this steps does not always happen automatically).

To begin with, play an episode of the default gridworld configuration by using the arrow keys and navigate to the green goal tile. (Rendering is done with matplotlib, skip this step if executing on a headleass/remote server)


Now, check whether training script execution works with the installed packages:

python --algo a2c --observations tensor --num_runs 1 --num_timesteps 75000

This script trains a DRL model with A2C on a default configuration (exp_001) of the gridworld as specified below. After execution finishes, two folder should have been created: saved_logs and saved_models. The saved tensorboard log can be analyzed in your browser as such:

tensorboard --logdir saved_logs

To observe the trained model's behavior, copy the following text into a python file (in the repo's folder) and execute it:

import json
import time
import gym
from stable_baselines3 import A2C
import gym_minigrid
from gym_minigrid.wrappers import TensorObsWrapper

def model_env_from_path(agent_path: str, no_slip: bool = True, no_rebound: bool = True):
    model = A2C.load(agent_path)
    path_keys = agent_path.split("saved_models/")[1].split("/")
    env_name = path_keys[0]
    render_size = 8
    with open('env_config.json', 'r') as f:
        env_kwargs = json.load(f)[env_name]
    env = gym.make(
    return model, env, render_size

def test_agent_on_environment(
    agent_path: str,
    render_time: float = 0.2
    model, env, render_size = model_env_from_path(agent_path)
    env = TensorObsWrapper(env)
    for i in range(3):
        print(f"Starting episode {i+1}")
        total_reward = 0
        needed_timesteps = 0
        obs = env.reset()
        done = False
        while not done:
            action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
            obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
            total_reward += reward
            needed_timesteps += 1
            if needed_timesteps > 15:
                render_time = 0.03
        print(f"Episode ended after {needed_timesteps} time steps.")
        out = f"Total reward: {total_reward}"


Caution: The trained model is not expected to solve the environment satisfactorily as this should only be a test of whether the scripts execute as expected.

Repository - Quick Overview

This subsection quickly introduces the repository and its contents for better orientation.

Configuration files

Configuration files help setting up an experiment you want to execute. The environment, algorithm, intrinsic motivation ACHTUNG HIER EVENTUELL AUCH DISTRSHIFT Specific configurations are used by setting the json-key as the corresponding command-line option when executing

  • algo_config.json: The named json-configurations for algorithms to run. Currently only DQN and A2C are supported. The configurations coincide with the arguments that can be passed to the __init__()-method, however some restrictions apply because of the experimental setup. These restrictions can be found in

  • env_config.json: The named json-configurations of the gridworld environment to use for an experiment. Includes things such as maximal number of timesteps, slipping factor, reward model, goal randomization etc.

  • im_config.json: The named json-configurations for experiments that use the IntrinsicMotivationWrapper (defined in Includes settings such as whether to use only (count-based) intrinsic rewards or a combination of extrinsic/intrinsic rewards and when to stop using intrinsic rewards etc. Currently, intrinsic motivation rewards can only be computed for tensor observations of the environment.

RiskyPathEnvironment - Gridworld Codebase

The adapted and modified Environment from Ratliff and Mazumdar has been implemented using the Gym Minigrid-framework. Given that the framework did not meet certain requirements w.r.t. action space, observation space and rendering, I forked the project to create the "RiskyPathEnvironment". The fork is referenced as a submodule in this repository, in order to keep the experimentation and Gridworld implementation seperate.

  • gym_minigrid/envs/ This is the most important file and defines the environment's logic. For further reference, refer to my Gym Minigrid fork

  • gym_minigrid/ Definitions of the internal workings of gym minigrid. This file has been slightly adapted to allow conformity with different action and observation spaces (Gym Minigrid fork).

  • gym_minigrid/ The wrappers have been extended with the TensorObsWrapper which builds on the internal tensor representation logic defined in

Experiment Execution & Learning Scripts

  • TODO

  • TODO

  • TODO

  • TODO

Testing & Evaluation

  • TODO

  • eval_agents.ipynb: TODO

  • plots.ipynb: TODO

Experiment Structure

  • Explain how I structured my experiments and describe them

The experiments can be broken down into two main phases.
Phase 1 consists of all experiments where the RiskyPathEnv is used with the TensorObsWrapper. When the wrapper's step() method is called by the SB3-algorithms (I use DQN and A2C), the returned observation is a relatively low-dimensional input when compared to rgb-arrays that are returned in the ImgObsWrapper. The effect of different environment specifications on the learning algorithms' performance can thus be analyzed in a more efficient way, as learning on this kind of input drastically reduces complexity and computation time.
Phase 2 consists of all experiments where the observation is an rgb-array (returned by the ImgObsWrapper). For learning on this kind of input, the sb3-algorithms will use CnnPolicy TODO

Below you can find a listing of all experiments, annotated with the environment settings and the learning & network parameters of the algorithm employed. Furthermore, the path to the saved model (if available) and the tensorboard logs are provided.


Experiments in Deep Reinforcement Learning applied to gridworlds for my Bachelor's thesis at KIT.






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