Major Overhaul
This build uses lua5.3.4 which was compiled with -O2 -g0 and archived (no special defines).
Licenses included with the src.
- Final round of code beautifications
- Added -b switch to define when you want your -n parameters to be loaded
- Added -l switch to execute files preemptively
- Fixed many bugs with text
- Now fully supports Mac OS and Linux
- Added Wiki instructions to support LuaRocks fully on Windows, Linux, Mac
- Added linux build script
- Added windows 32 bit build script
- Lots of house-keeping behind the scenes
Includes testing.lua, which prints out arguments inputted using the -n switch at the end. It displays use of the -D switch using the 'test' variable print. Now tries to call an invalid function for error testing display.
Make a folder in your C:\Program Files\ or where ever and make a 'bin' folder. Shove lua.exe and luaw.exe into it. Add this 'bin' folder to your path. C:\Program Files\LuaConsole\bin, for example. Or just use the wiki's method and shove them into C:\Windows\System32.
Use luaw when you want to do stuff in lua and use the interpreter.
If you are a Linux user and you are on this page to get binaries there is something wrong. (Use in the root after getting source)