Major File Changes
Release Information
This build uses lua5.3.4 which was compiled with -O2 -g0 -m64 and lua53.dll
Licenses included with the src.
Change Run Down
- Merged lua into luaw
- Improved speed of functions
- Post-Existing is also not redundant when no ability to atty and doesn't hang
- Updated stack dump to show userdata exclusively too
- -l can now run modules such as luaadd.dll/, however it is a must to specify .dll or .so. Even if it isn't part of the file name, you must specify either .dll or .so to make it go to lua to be required.
- Added Makefile for building
- Fixed the build scripts to reflect correctly (of course)
- code formatting changes
Includes testing.lua, which prints out arguments inputted using the -n switch at the end - the arg table and tuple if applicable. It displays use of the -D switch using the 'test' variable print. It tries to call an invalid function for error testing display. It now requires 'luaadd'.dll for example of modules being able to be loaded successfully.
Make a folder in your C:\Program Files\ or where ever and make a 'bin' folder. Shove lua.exe, luaw.exe, and luaadd.dll into it (if need-be lua53.dll). Add this 'bin' folder to your path. C:\Program Files\LuaConsole\bin, for example. Or just use the wiki's method and shove them into C:\Windows\System32.
Linux & MacOSX
You must build from source. Install the files to ~/opt/LuaConsole and hopefully you have that in path. You may want to put luaw in /usr/local/bin along with your LuaRocks or something. Up to you.
If you are a Linux user and you are on this page to get binaries there is something wrong. (Use in the root after getting source)