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Implemented core Coordinates representation class and BoundingBox sub…
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timbernat committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent bf20bac commit d921950
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 0 deletions.
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions polymerist/maths/lattices/
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
'''Representation of vectors of coordinates and elementary distance geometry operations'''

from typing import Optional, TypeVar, Union
from ...genutils.typetools.numpytypes import Shape, N, M, DType
from ...genutils.typetools.categorical import Numeric
TT = TypeVar('TT', bound=Numeric) # typevar to signify returns which are all of the same numeric type

import numpy as np
from itertools import product as cartesian_product

class Coordinates:
'''Represention class for encapsulating M-vectors of N-dimensional coordinates, with basic coordinate operations'''
def __init__(self, points : Optional[np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], TT]]=None) -> None:
if points is None:
points = np.array([[]])

assert(points.ndim == 2) # only accepts vector of coordinate
self.points = points
self.n_dims = points.shape[-1] # the number of dimensions of a point in the vector

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.n_dims}-dimensional vector of {self.n_points} points)'

def n_points(self) -> int:
'''The number of points currently stored in the coordinates vector'''
return self.points.shape[0] # len(self.points)

def dimensions(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], int]:
'''The side lengths of the bounding box along each dimension'''
return self.points.ptp(axis=0)
dims = sidelens = sidelengths = dimensions

def minimum(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]:
'''The bounding box vertex with the smallest coordinates in each dimension'''
return self.points.min(axis=0)
min = lower = smallest = minimum

def maximum(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]:
'''The bounding box vertex with the largest coordinates in each dimension'''
return self.points.max(axis=0)
max = upper = largest = maximum

def extrema(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[2, N], TT]:
'''A 2xN array of the minimal and maximal bounding box vertices'''
return np.vstack([self.minimum, self.maximum])

def __call__(self, index : int) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]:
'''Retrieve the point at the given index'''
return self.points[index]

def _point_is_compat(self, point : np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]) -> bool:
'''Internal method to check whether an incoming point is compatible with the dimensions of the current array'''
return (
isinstance(point, np.ndarray)
and (point.ndim == 1)
and (point.size == self.n_dims)
# TODO: check compatible types? (may be too inflexible, categorical.Numeric currently doesn't recognize numpy-specific types)

def validate_point(self, point : np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]) -> None:
'''Check if a point is compatible with the coordinates, or else raise Exception with reason why not'''
if not self._point_is_valid(point):
raise ValueError(f'Incompatible point {point}')

def dists_to_point(self, point : np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT], norm_order : Optional[int]=None) -> np.ndarray[Shape[M], TT]:
'''The distance between each point in a coordinate array and a single arbitrary point'''
return np.linalg.norm(self.points - point, ord=norm_order, axis=1)

def weighted_centroid(self, weights : Optional[np.ndarray[Shape[M], DType]]=None) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]:
'''The average (center-of-mass) coordinate of a vector of coordinates, with optional array of weights for each coordinates'''
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(self.n_points, dtype=self.points.dtype)

# prechecks to ensure the weights vector is of compatible size
assert(weights.ndim == 1)
assert(weights.size == self.points.shape[0])
weights = weights.reshape((self.points.shape[0], 1))

return (self.points * weights).mean(axis=0)

def centroid(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]:
'''The unweighted average coordinate of the vector'''
return self.weighted_centroid() # weighed centroid with default unit weights
center_of_mass = COM = centroid

def dists_to_centroid(self, norm_order : Optional[int]=None, weights : Optional[np.ndarray[Shape[M], DType]]=None) -> np.ndarray[Shape[M], DType]:
'''The distance of each coordinate in an array of coordinates to the coordinates' centroid'''
return self.dists_to_point(point=self.weighted_centroid(weights=weights), norm_order=norm_order)
effective_radii = eff_rad = dists_to_centroid

def translate(self, displacement : np.ndarray[Shape[N], TT]) -> None:
'''Apply affine shift (translation only) to all points'''
self.points += displacement # TODO: use explicit broadcast here to reduce ambiguity?

def linear_transformation(self, matrix : np.ndarray[Shape[N,N], float], as_coords : bool=False) -> Union[np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], float], 'Coordinates']:
'''Accepts an NxN matrix (where N is the dimension of the lattice), returns a linearly-transformed copy of the coordinate points'''
assert(matrix.shape == (self.n_dims, self.n_dims))
transformed_points = self.points @ matrix.T # NOTE: need to right-multiply and transpose, since ROWS of self.points need to be tranformed

if as_coords:
return self.__class__(transformed_points)
return transformed_points

def affine_transformation(self, matrix : np.ndarray[Shape[N,N], float], as_coords : bool=False) -> Union[np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], float], 'Coordinates']: # TOSELF: typehint on input matrix should be of shape N+1, N+1
'''Accepts an NxN matrix (where N is the dimension of the lattice), returns an affinely-transformed copy of the coordinate points'''
assert(matrix.shape == (self.n_dims + 1, self.n_dims + 1))
aug_points = np.concatenate([self.points, np.ones((self.n_points, 1), dtype=int)], axis=1) # augment points vectors with extra columns of ones
aug_transformed = aug_points @ matrix.T
transformed_points = aug_transformed[: , :self.n_dims] / aug_transformed[:, self.n_dims, None] # downcast augmented transformed points from homogeneous coordinates, normalizing by projective part

if as_coords:
return self.__class__(transformed_points)
return transformed_points

class BoundingBox(Coordinates):
'''For representing a minimum bounding box around an M-coordinate vector of N-dimensional points'''
def __init__(self, coords : Union[Coordinates, np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], TT]]) -> None:
if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
coords = Coordinates(coords) # allow passing of Coordinates-like classes
points = np.array([vertex for vertex in cartesian_product(*self.extrema.T)])


def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], TT]: # TOSELF : first axis of returned array is actually of size 2**N (haven't implemented typing yet)
'''Alias of the "points" attribute to distinguish use via syntax'''
return self.points

def surrounds(self, coords : Union[Coordinates, np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], TT]], strict : bool=False) -> np.ndarray[Shape[M, N], bool]:
'''Boolean mask of whether the coordinates in a point vector lies within the bounding box'''
if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
coords = Coordinates(coords)
assert(coords.n_dims == self.n_dims)
less_funct = np.less if strict else np.less_equal # set "<" vs "<=" check by strict flag

return less_funct(self.lower, coords.points) & less_funct(coords.points, self.upper)

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