Releases: timbernat/polymerist
Releases · timbernat/polymerist
Minor feature cleanup and improvements to kekulization handling and chemical database query services
- Greatly expanded robustness of smileslib.chemdbqueries:
- Reimplemented core via Strategy pattern and provided concrete implementations for
- Added capability to check is services are online prior to attempting query
- Compiled comprehensive lists of queryable chemical properties and namespaces for each implementations
- Added service-agnostic get_chemical_property() wrapper for convenience
*Provided greater control over Kekulization in RDKit-derived functionality - Added enable_kekulized_drawing() and disble_kekulized_drawing() config methods to rdutils.rdkdraw
-* Made rdkdraw imported at toplevel rdutils - Added flag to disable Kekulization in SMILES string expansion (polymers.monomers.specification.expanded_SMILES(...))
- Added procrustean_string(...) function to genutils.textual.prettyprint (related to PROCRUSTES algorithm implemented in .polymers for copolymer sequencing)
Minor fixes to README and optional dependencies
What's changed
- Fixed issue with accidental file redirect in NAGL install command in README
- Corrected typos in README
- Added missing
requirement to "chemdb" optional dependency category
Overhaul of README and improvements to dependency management
What's changed
- Front-facing README completely rewritten to provide:
- Details on compatible OS and package managers
- More specific installation instruction
- Pip-compatible installation instructions
- Details on installing peripheral AM1-BCC toolkits
- Simplified dependencies
- Espaloma_charge is no longer required OR optional in pyproject.toml
- espaloma_charge dependency in release-build.yml changed from pip-based to conda-based
- Pre-import checks for cirpy and pubchempy added to smileslib.chemdbqueries
- Fixed str.capitalize() call in use_case arg to MissingPrerequisitePackage, as this was causing unintended lowercasing later in the string
- Former "jupyter" and "visuals" optional dependency categories consolidated into single "interactive" category
- Made "rich" a required dependency
Minor tweaks to Python build files to get documentation and package index uploads working. No changes to code, only affects:
- pyproject.toml: Added pip dependencies
- readthedocs.yaml: Added pip install directive
- devtools/conda-envs/release-build.yml: Added Sphinx theme requirement to nudge ReadTheDocs build along
Release candidate in-transition from beta to official release
What's changed
- Added new
subpackage for handling molecule file writing - Consolidated dynamic imports and dependency checking into genutils.importutils subpackage
- Added dependency check for non-pip installable dependencies (namely OpenFF stack, mBuild, OpenBabel, and OpenEye)
- Added generic tree-like data structure interface, used to reimplement file and directory trees
- Deprecated unintuitive "DOP" keyword in polymer builder in favor of explicit number of monomers
- Added Validation, end group auto-generation, and several convencience methods to MonomerGroup
- Added robust copolymer sequence checking and fitting ("PROCRUSTEAN sequence alignment"), including support for fractional base sequence repeats
- Updated OpenFF NAGL models
- Simplified OpenFF partial charge method and toolkit registration
- Increased test coverage throughout (particularly for new features)
0.0.1 Beta version
Pre-release version of polymerist.
Intended to:
- Checkpoint this version of polymerist prior to planned 1.0.0
- Allow reversion to pre-release build for dependent code
- Enable building of documentation for ReadTheDocs
- Enable testing of pip-installable version
Full Changelog: