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typst test

typst-test is a test runner for Typst projects. It helps you worry less about regressions and speeds up your development.


Out of the box typst-test supports the following features:

  • locate the project it is invoked in
  • collect and manage test scripts and references
  • compile and run tests
  • compare test output to references
  • provide extra scripting functionality
  • running custom scripts for test automation


typst-test currently makes no stability guarantees, it is considered pre-0.1.0, see the Milestones for it's progress towards a first release. However, all PRs and pushes to main are tested in CI. A reasonably "stable" version of typst-test is available at the ci-semi-stable tag. This version is already used in the CI of various Typst packages, such as cetz, codly, valkyrie, hydra or subpar. Some prior changes impacting users of typst-test are documented in the migration log.


To see how to get started with typst-test, check out the Book. It provides a few chapters aimed to get you started with typst-test.

An asciicast showing typst-test running the full cetz test suite.


See if you want to contribute to typst-test.