Adds a style pannel in the widgets admin that enables the control of some of the styling. Term and Category Based Posts Widget is available here
Requires: Term and Category Based Posts Widget 4.7 or higher
Contributors: DanielFloeter
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
A free extension for the premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget
With Term and Category Based Posts Widget version 4.7 or higher we let people download a version which will not require a license as long as it is used on a local development server (in other words, a localhost or if the site domain resolves to the local host IP address of
Download the Term and Category Based Posts Widget for a free trail from here:
- Add option to unlink the post item
- Add option to add the SEO friendly attribute rel= with 'nofollow' or 'canonical' to all links
Adds more options for the excerpt output
Allow HTML in the excerpt
Solves the double rendered shortcode bug in the excerpt
While using this plugin if you find any bug or any conflict, please submit an issue at Github (If possible with a pull request).
- The premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget is being expected.
- Download the widget excension.
- Upload it to the plugins folder of your blog.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Now, goto the Widgets page of the Appearance section and configure the Excerpt Extension.
- Add a option to add the SEO friendly attribute rel= with 'nofollow' or 'canonical' to all links