PySHAC v0.3.3
- Addition of
parameters -MultiDiscreteHyperParameter
These multi parameters have an additional argument sample_count
which can be used to sample multiple times per step.
Note: The values will be concatenated linearly, so each multi parameter will have a list of values
returned in the resultant OrderedDict. If you wish to flatten the entire search space, you can
use pyshac.flatten_parameters
on this OrderedDict.
Example : Creation of a search space of 1000 dice rolls and 500 samples of normally distributed noise.
import pyshac
mp1 = pyshac.MultiDiscreteHP('dice', values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], sample_count=1000)
mp2 = pyshac.MultiNormalHP('noise', mean=0.0, std=0.5, sample_count=500)
params = [mp1, mp2]
shac = pyshac.SHAC(params, ...)
- Documentation for usage of Multi parameters and an example for searching on large search spaces in the Examples/multi_parameter folder.