Simple tool for squishing long file system paths into shorter abbreviations. Kind of nice for shell prompts, not so much for anything else.
Iterates over path fragments between directory separators and squashes them based on length and case formatting. Home directory prefixes are replaced with with a ~
Full | Compact |
/path/to/long-directory-name |
/path/to/ldn |
/Users/someone/projects/masterpiece |
~/pro/mas |
/camelCaseFragment |
/cCF |
/snake_case_v2 |
/scv2 |
Invoking the executable will compact the first provided argument or else the current working directory.
cargo build
the thing and move the binary somewhere easy to remember.
Example with bash, assuming the binary is located at ~/bin/pc
# ~/.bashrc
PS1="\$(dirname \$(~/bin/pc))/\$(basename \$PWD) $ "
Or PowerShell:
function Prompt {
$P = (~/bin/pc.exe)
Write-Host "$(Split-Path $P)\" -ForegroundColor darkgray -NoNewline
Write-Host (Split-Path $PWD -Leaf) -NoNewline
Write-Host " PS>" -ForegroundColor cyan -NoNewline
return " "