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Added Pluscal version of the key-value store with snapshot isolation,…
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… instantiated clientcentric checking to model check for snapshot isolation properly
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Murat Demirbas committed Aug 3, 2023
1 parent 7d129a9 commit 4191f71
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Showing 6 changed files with 477 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions specifications/KeyValueStore/ClientCentric.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
--------------------------- MODULE ClientCentric ---------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, TLC, Sequences, FiniteSets, Util
VARIABLES Keys, Values
\* TODO InitValue could be bottom (_|_)

\* TLA+ specifications of Client Centric Isolation Specification by Crooks et al:
\* TLA+ specifications by Tim Soethout ([email protected])

\* A database `State` is represented by keys with corresponding values
State == [Keys -> Values]

\* An `Operation` is a read or write of a key and value
Operation == [op: {"read", "write"}, key: Keys, value: Values]

\* Helpers representing Reads and Writes
r(k,v) == [op |-> "read", key |-> k, value |-> v]
w(k,v) == [op |-> "write", key |-> k, value |-> v]

\* A `Transaction` is a total order of `Operation`s
\* Transaction == [ops: Seq(Operation), start: TimeStamp, commit: TimeStamp]
Transaction == Seq(Operation)
\* For simplicity we store start and commit in a lookup function
TimeStamp == Nat
TransactionTimes == [t \in Transaction |-> [start: TimeStamp, commit: TimeStamp]]

\* "An execution e for a set of transactions
\* T is a totally ordered set defined by the pair (Se,−−t \in T−→),
\* where Se is the set of states generated by applying,
\* starting from the system’s initial state, a permutation of all the transactions in T ."
ExecutionElem == [parentState: State, transaction: Transaction]
\* resultState is the parentState of the next transaction, but not used in the isolation definitions.
\* ExecutionElem == [parentState: State, transaction: Transaction, resultState: State]
\* We represent an `Execution` as a sequence of `Transaction`s with their corresponding parent state.
\* Note: This execution does therefor not contain the "final state" of the execution, since it is not a parent state of a transaction.
Execution == Seq(ExecutionElem)

\* Seq
executionStates(execution) == [ i \in 1..Len(execution) |-> execution[i].parentState ]
\* Set
executionTransactions(execution) == { ep.transaction : ep \in SeqToSet(execution) }

\* "The parent state is the last state in the execution
\* Definition 1: s -T-> s' ≡ [(k,v) ∈ s ∧ (k,v)􏰍 \notin s'] => k ∈ W_T /\ w(k,v) ∈ Σ_T => (k,v) ∈ s.
\* We refer to s as the parent state of T (denoted as sp,T ); to the
\* transaction that generated s as Ts ; and to the set of keys in which
\* s and s′ differ as ∆(s,s′)"
parentState(execution, transaction) ==
LET ind == CHOOSE i \in 1..Len(execution): execution[i].transaction = transaction
IN execution[ind].parentState

\* w(k,v) -to-> r(k,v)
\* check reads and writes, implicit because of "write" check in ReadStates
earlierInTransaction(transaction, op1, op2) == Index(transaction, op1) < Index(transaction, op2)

\* state1 -*-> state2
beforeOrEqualInExecution(execution, state1, state2) ==
LET states == executionStates(execution)
IN Index(states, state1) <= Index(states, state2)

\* Read states: from which states can the operation read it's value
ReadStates(execution, operation, transaction) ==
LET Se == SeqToSet(executionStates(execution))
sp == parentState(execution, transaction)
IN { s \in Se:
/\ beforeOrEqualInExecution(execution, s, sp) \* s -*-> s_p: restrict the valid read states for the operations in T to be no later than sp
/\ \/ s[operation.key] = operation.value \* (k,v) \in s
\/ \E write \in SeqToSet(transaction):
/\ write.op = "write" /\ write.key = operation.key /\ write.value = operation.value
/\ earlierInTransaction(transaction, write, operation) \* w(k,v)-to->r(k,v)
\* "By convention, write operations have read states too: for a write operation in T , they include all states in Se up to and including T ’s parent state."
\/ operation.op = "write"

Preread(execution, transaction) ==
\A operation \in SeqToSet(transaction): ReadStates(execution, operation, transaction) /= {}

PrereadAll(execution, transactions) ==
\A transaction \in transactions: Preread(execution, transaction)

\* A state `s` is complete for `T` in `e` if every operation in `T` can read from `s`
Complete(execution, transaction, state) ==
LET setOfAllReadStatesOfOperation(transactionOperations) ==
{ ReadStates(execution, operation, transaction) : operation \in SeqToSet(transactionOperations) }
\* also include all states for when the transaction contains no operations
readStatesForEmptyTransaction == { s \in SeqToSet(executionStates(execution)) : beforeOrEqualInExecution(execution, s, parentState(execution, transaction)) }
IN state \in INTERSECTION(setOfAllReadStatesOfOperation(transaction) \union { readStatesForEmptyTransaction } )

\* "the write set of T comprises the keys that T updates: WT = {k|w(k, v) ∈ ΣT }.
\* For simplicity of exposition, we assume that a transaction only writes a key once."
WriteSet(transaction) ==
LET writes == { operation \in SeqToSet(transaction) : operation.op = "write" }
IN { operation.key : operation \in writes }
\* "Denoting the set of keys in which s and s′ differ as ∆(s, s′), we express this as NO-CONF_T (s) ≡ ∆(s, sp) ∩ WT = ∅"
NoConf(execution, transaction, state) ==
LET Sp == parentState(execution, transaction)
delta == { key \in DOMAIN Sp : Sp[key] /= state[key] }
IN delta \intersect WriteSet(transaction) = {}

\* `t1` comes before `t2` in wall clock/oracle time
ComesStrictBefore(t1, t2, timestamps) == timestamps[t1].commit < timestamps[t2].start

\* Given system state and single transaction (seq of operations), determines new state
effects(state, transaction) ==
ReduceSeq(LAMBDA o, newState: IF o.op = "write" THEN [newState EXCEPT ![o.key] = o.value] ELSE newState, transaction, state)

\* Lists all possible permutations of executions given set of transactions
executions(initialState, transactions) ==
\* All possible permutations
LET orderings == PermSeqs(transactions)
\* initialState == [k \in Keys |-> InitValue] \* makes it level-1 therefor pass it in
accummulator == [ execution |-> <<>>, nextState |-> initialState ]
IN { LET executionAcc == ReduceSeq(
\* store ExecutionElem in accumulator
LAMBDA t, acc: [ execution |-> Append(acc.execution, [parentState |-> acc.nextState, transaction |-> t])
\* calcultate next state
, nextState |-> effects(acc.nextState,t)
ordering, accummulator)
\* recover ExecutionElems
IN executionAcc.execution
: ordering \in orderings }

\* Helper: checks if specific execution satisfies given commit test
executionSatisfiesCT(execution, commitTest(_,_)) ==
LET transactions == executionTransactions(execution)
IN \A transaction \in transactions: commitTest(transaction, execution)

\* tests there exists an execution for `transactions`, that satisfies the isolation level given by `commitTest`
\* "Definition 5 Given a set of transactions T and their read states,
\* a storagesystem satisfies an isolation level I iff ∃e:∀t ∈ T :CTI(t,e)."
satisfyIsolationLevel(initialState, transactions, commitTest(_,_)) ==
\E execution \in executions(initialState, transactions): \A transaction \in transactions:
\* PrintT(<<"try execution:",execution>>) =>
commitTest(transaction, execution)

\* Serializability commit test
CT_SER(transaction, execution) ==
Complete(execution, transaction, parentState(execution, transaction))
Serializability(initialState, transactions) == satisfyIsolationLevel(initialState, transactions, CT_SER)

\*SerializabilityDebug(initialState, transactions) ==
\* \* if no executions satify commit test, print all executions
\* \/ (~\E execution \in executions(initialState, transactions): \A transaction \in transactions:
\* CT_SER(transaction, execution)) => \A execution \in executions(initialState, transactions): PrintT(<<"Execution not Serializable:",execution>>)
\* \* fall back to normal check
\* \/ \E execution \in executions(initialState, transactions): \A transaction \in transactions: CT_SER(transaction, execution)

SerializabilityDebug(initialState, transactions) ==
~ Serializability(initialState, transactions) => Print(<<"Executions not Serializable:", executions(initialState, transactions)>>, FALSE)

\* Snapshot Isolation
CT_SI(transaction, execution) == \E state \in SeqToSet(executionStates(execution)):
Complete(execution, transaction, state) /\ NoConf(execution, transaction, state)
SnapshotIsolation(initialState, transactions) == satisfyIsolationLevel(initialState, transactions, CT_SI)

\* Strict Serializability: ∀T ∈T:T <s T => s_T′ -*-> s_T.
CT_SSER(timestamps, transaction, execution) ==
LET Sp == parentState(execution, transaction)
IN /\ Complete(execution, transaction, Sp)
/\ \A otherTransaction \in executionTransactions(execution):
ComesStrictBefore(otherTransaction, transaction, timestamps) =>
beforeOrEqualInExecution(execution, parentState(execution, otherTransaction), Sp)
\* For now inline `satisfyIsolationLevel` instead of `satisfyIsolationLevel(transactions, CT_SSER(timestamps)) because partial functions are not supported/hard`
StrictSerializability(initialState, transactions, timestamps) ==
\E execution \in executions(initialState, transactions): \A transaction \in transactions: CT_SSER(timestamps, transaction, execution)

\* Read Committed
CT_RC(transaction, execution) == Preread(execution, transaction)
ReadCommitted(initialState, transactions) == satisfyIsolationLevel(initialState, transactions, CT_RC)

\* Read Uncommitted
CT_RU(transaction, execution) == TRUE
ReadUncommitted(initialState, transactions) == satisfyIsolationLevel(initialState, transactions, CT_RU)

\* Check types in derived specification
TypeOKT(transactions) ==
\* /\ InitValue \in Values
/\ transactions \subseteq Transaction

TypeOK(transactions, execution) ==
/\ TypeOKT(transactions)
\* /\ PrintT(State)
/\ execution \in Execution

204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions specifications/KeyValueStore/KVsnap.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
--------------------------- MODULE KVsnap ---------------------------------
(* Pluscal algoritm for a simple key-value store with snapshot isolation *)
(* This version has atomic updates of store and missed sets of txns *)
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLC, Util

CONSTANTS Key, \* The set of all keys.
TxId, \* The set of all transaction IDs.
NoVal \* NoVal, which all keys are initialized with.

\* Instantiating ClientCentric enables us to check transaction isolation guarantees this model satisfies
CC == INSTANCE ClientCentric WITH Keys <- Key, Values <- TxId \union {NoVal}

wOp(k,v) == CC!w(k,v)
rOp(k,v) == CC!r(k,v)

(* --algorithm KVsnap {

\* A data store mapping keys to values
store = [k \in Key |-> NoVal],

\* The set of open snapshot transactions
tx = {},

\* Snapshots of the store for each transaction
snapshotStore = [t \in TxId |-> [k \in Key |-> NoVal]],

\* A log of writes performed within each transaction
written = [t \in TxId |-> {}],

\* The set of writes invisible to each transaction
missed = [t \in TxId |-> {}],

\* reads/writes per txn_id, used for interfacing to CC
ops = [ tId \in TxId |-> <<>> ];

define {
\* for instantiating the ClientCentric module
InitialState == [k \in Key |-> NoVal]
IsInjective(f) == \A a,b \in DOMAIN f : f[a] = f[b] => a = b
SetToSeq(S) == CHOOSE f \in [1..Cardinality(S) -> S] : IsInjective(f)

\* snapshot isolation invariant
SnapshotIsolation == CC!SnapshotIsolation(InitialState, Range(ops))

\* Serialization == CC!Serializability(InitialState, Range(ops))

TypeOK == \* type invariant
/\ store \in [Key -> TxId \union {NoVal}]
/\ tx \subseteq TxId
/\ snapshotStore \in [TxId -> [Key -> TxId \union {NoVal}]]
/\ written \in [TxId -> SUBSET Key]
/\ missed \in [TxId -> SUBSET Key]

\* Transaction processing
fair process (t \in TxId)
read_keys={}, \* read keys for the transaction
write_keys={}; \* write keys for the transaction
START: \* Start the transaction
tx := tx \union {self};
snapshotStore[self] := store; \* take my snapshot of store

with (rk \in SUBSET Key; wk \in SUBSET Key \ {}) {
read_keys := rk; \* select a random read-key-set from possible read-keys
write_keys := wk; \* select a random write-key-set from possible write-keys

READ: \* Process reads on my snapshot
\* log reads for CC isolation check
ops[self] := ops[self] \o SetToSeq({rOp(k, snapshotStore[self][k]): k \in read_keys});

UPDATE: \* Process writes on my snapshot, write 'self' as value
snapshotStore[self] := [k \in Key |-> IF k \in write_keys THEN self ELSE snapshotStore[self][k] ];
written[self] := write_keys;

COMMIT: \* Commit the transaction to the database if there is no conflict
if (missed[self] \intersect written[self] = {}) {
\* take self off of active txn set
tx := tx \ {self};

\* Update the missed writes for other open transactions (nonlocal update!)
missed := [o \in TxId |-> IF o \in tx THEN missed[o] \union written[self] ELSE missed[o]];

\* update store
store := [k \in Key |-> IF k \in written[self] THEN snapshotStore[self][k] ELSE store[k] ];

\* log reads for CC isolation check
ops[self] := ops[self] \o SetToSeq({wOp(k, self): k \in written[self]});


\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "38698f36" /\ chksum(tla) = "2d9d1e7d")
VARIABLES store, tx, snapshotStore, written, missed, ops, pc

(* define statement *)
InitialState == [k \in Key |-> NoVal]
IsInjective(f) == \A a,b \in DOMAIN f : f[a] = f[b] => a = b
SetToSeq(S) == CHOOSE f \in [1..Cardinality(S) -> S] : IsInjective(f)

SnapshotIsolation == CC!SnapshotIsolation(InitialState, Range(ops))

TypeOK ==
/\ store \in [Key -> TxId \union {NoVal}]
/\ tx \subseteq TxId
/\ snapshotStore \in [TxId -> [Key -> TxId \union {NoVal}]]
/\ written \in [TxId -> SUBSET Key]
/\ missed \in [TxId -> SUBSET Key]

VARIABLES read_keys, write_keys

vars == << store, tx, snapshotStore, written, missed, ops, pc, read_keys,
write_keys >>

ProcSet == (TxId)

Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ store = [k \in Key |-> NoVal]
/\ tx = {}
/\ snapshotStore = [t \in TxId |-> [k \in Key |-> NoVal]]
/\ written = [t \in TxId |-> {}]
/\ missed = [t \in TxId |-> {}]
/\ ops = [ tId \in TxId |-> <<>> ]
(* Process t *)
/\ read_keys = [self \in TxId |-> {}]
/\ write_keys = [self \in TxId |-> {}]
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> "START"]

START(self) == /\ pc[self] = "START"
/\ tx' = (tx \union {self})
/\ snapshotStore' = [snapshotStore EXCEPT ![self] = store]
/\ \E rk \in SUBSET Key:
\E wk \in SUBSET Key \ {}:
/\ read_keys' = [read_keys EXCEPT ![self] = rk]
/\ write_keys' = [write_keys EXCEPT ![self] = wk]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "READ"]
/\ UNCHANGED << store, written, missed, ops >>

READ(self) == /\ pc[self] = "READ"
/\ ops' = [ops EXCEPT ![self] = ops[self] \o SetToSeq({rOp(k, snapshotStore[self][k]): k \in read_keys[self]})]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "UPDATE"]
/\ UNCHANGED << store, tx, snapshotStore, written, missed,
read_keys, write_keys >>

UPDATE(self) == /\ pc[self] = "UPDATE"
/\ snapshotStore' = [snapshotStore EXCEPT ![self] = [k \in Key |-> IF k \in write_keys[self] THEN self ELSE snapshotStore[self][k] ]]
/\ written' = [written EXCEPT ![self] = write_keys[self]]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "COMMIT"]
/\ UNCHANGED << store, tx, missed, ops, read_keys, write_keys >>

COMMIT(self) == /\ pc[self] = "COMMIT"
/\ IF missed[self] \intersect written[self] = {}
THEN /\ tx' = tx \ {self}
/\ missed' = [o \in TxId |-> IF o \in tx' THEN missed[o] \union written[self] ELSE missed[o]]
/\ store' = [k \in Key |-> IF k \in written[self] THEN snapshotStore[self][k] ELSE store[k] ]
/\ ops' = [ops EXCEPT ![self] = ops[self] \o SetToSeq({wOp(k, self): k \in written[self]})]
/\ UNCHANGED << store, tx, missed, ops >>
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << snapshotStore, written, read_keys, write_keys >>

t(self) == START(self) \/ READ(self) \/ UPDATE(self) \/ COMMIT(self)

(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"

Next == (\E self \in TxId: t(self))
\/ Terminating

Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ \A self \in TxId : WF_vars(t(self))

Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")


nonatomic version would be as follows. It would be interesting to model check this with nanatomic version, with more yield points with labels to see where we need the latches.

\* while (write_keys #{}){
\* \* all values being distinct works best for checking, so use self??
\* with (k \in write_keys) {
\* snapshotStore[self][k] := self;
\* written[self] := written[self] \union {k};
\* }
\* };


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