This is a custom "basic" Yeoman Generator with just the Node modules and Javascript libraries I need to quickly start developing simple web applications:
- grunt-contrib-sass
- grunt-contrib-jshint
- grunt-contrib-connect (optional)
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-contrib-clean
- grunt-contrib-copy
- grunt-contrib-concat
- grunt-processhtml
- modernizr
- jquery
- jquery-ui / bootstrap
Once the above dependencies have been installed:
npm install -g generator-tze
Create and switch to your project folder:
mkdir path/to/myproject
cd path/to/myproject
Generate your project:
yo tze
If you chose to include grunt-contrib-connect and grunt serve task, then start by compiling main.css, opening the sample webpage, and watching your source files:
grunt serve
Otherwise*, start by compiling main.css and watching your source files:
grunt sass:dev
grunt watch
THAT'S IT! You're ready to get to work! Check the Wiki pages for more info on usage/workflow.
*By choosing NOT to include grunt-contrib-connect, I'm assuming that you already have a local webserver installed -- create a virtual host with src folder as docroot.