Fixed bugs:
- Android notifcation player doesn't go away #49
Closed issues:
- Support for RN >=0.40 #72
- Cannot read property 'play' of undefined #64
- react native >= 0.4 #63
- RN 0.39.2 Playback error: Wrong # arguments #59
- [Android] ReactNativeAudioStreamingModule.getClassActivity null pointer exception #51
Merged pull requests:
- Fix for Android player notification not closing on app close #74 (IndrekV)
- Mention adding path to Header Search Path #73 (Naoto-Ida)
- Wrong relative path for Pod #71 (Naoto-Ida)
- Use empty string instead of missing StreamTitle. #69 (hudashot)
- Fix XML in info.plist for iOS xcodeproj #68 (AdamLiechty)
- Missing step to Pods.xcodeproj file #62 (jsaucedo)