Lecture notes with exercises for the advanced course on Categorical Realizability at the Midlands Graduate School (MGS) 2024
Realizability, as invented by Kleene, is a technique for elucidating the computational content of mathematical proofs. In this course we study realizability from a categorical perspective. Starting from an abstract and general model of computation known as a partial combinatory algebra (pca), we construct the category of assemblies over it. Intuitively, an assembly is a set together with computability data and an assembly map is a function of sets that is computable. Here, the notion of computability is prescribed by the pca. Through the framework of categorical logic, the assemblies give rise to the realizability interpretation of logic, which we spell out in detail.
The central theme of this course is the interplay between category theory, logic and computability theory. While category theory is not strictly required to follow the course, some familiarity with basic category theory will help in understanding the connections with more general constructions.
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