Morning Routine AWS Lambda script for IoT Dash button
Take a look at this tutorial for setting up and registering the AWS IoT button:
Go to the AWS Lambda configuration wizard here:
The Amazon documentation is also useful:
Create a new trigger, for the IoT Type, select IoT Button, then follow the steps on the screen.
Once the button is configured, select the Python runtime and paste the script from
Only core libraries are used, so no additional setup for the codebase is needed, no libraries need to be installed.
Slack integration is done via the IRC gateway. No Slack app/token required. See here for connecting:
This will give you the values needed for slackhost, user, password in the script.
Step 4 of explains how to get the value needed for the iftttmakerkey variable in the script.
Step 5 of explains how to set up the IFTTT recipes. The script assumes the Event Name is 'IoT-button-SINGLE'