Welcome to Toronto AI!
To get started with scikit, you'll need a python 3.6 environment with scikit, jupyter and some other libraries. You can get all of this in one download here. Choose the 3.6 version.
Do you have it installed? Ok! The next step is to clone this repository, which contains the example we'll be using. To clone this repository, open your terminal/command prompt and type:
git clone https://github.com/toronto-ai/workshops.git
If you don't have git installed, you can find it here. If you're running windows, then after the install, launch 'Git CMD'. If you're on a Mac, no extra steps are needed.
Now, once you have it cloned, go into that folder and type
jupyter notebook
A browser window will open and then navigate to python/scikit/digit-recognition.ipynb.
Cheers, The Toronto AI team