I got fed up using Google Docs for my résumé, so I opted for something that would give me finer control over the finished product.
- TeX Live full
- make
- nix (optional, but makes dependency installation trivial)
$ git clone https://github.com/toshgoodson/resume.git
$ cd resume
$ nix develop -c zsh # omit `-c zsh` if you're not using zsh!
$ make
The output can be found at build/resume.pdf.
- Font is Work Sans - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Work+Sans
- Github corner icon - https://github.com/tholman/github-corners
Yes, this means that distributing PDFs generated with the code provided in this project must also provide/link to the source code in some way. I recommend using the corner Github icon to link directly to your résumé project source code.