Glacier is a velocity plugin I wrote to get familiar with velocity plugin development. I wrote this plugin as a utility plugin for a Minecraft server that will handle timed announcements, commands for announcing messages through titles and subtitles, and action bars. I won't be frequently updating the code, and the code may contain bugs or exploits. Use this at your own risk.
/glacier reload
| glacier.admin - Reloads the config (announcements/main config/messages)/glacier version
| glacier.admin - Prints the plugin version/gtitle
| glacier.admin.title - Broadcast messages through titles/subtitles/gactionbar
| glacier.admin.actionbar - Broadcast messages through actionbar/gannouncer
| glacier.admin.announcer/gannouncer reload
- Reload announcements/gannouncer list
- Prints loaded announcements/gannouncer view
- View loaded announcements/gannouncer send
- Manually trigger an announcement
| glacier.admin.sudo - Spoof chat messages or commands- glacier.exempt.sudo - Player with this permission can't be sudo-ed
| glacier.admin.kick - Kick players from the proxy/gkick byname <matcher> [reason]
- This will kick every player that has matching string in their name/gkick byserver <server> [reason]
- Kick players from a specific server/gkick byip <ip> [reason]
- Kick players by IP, players with same IP Address will get be kicked
All commands & aliases can be disabled or edited in plugins/glacier/commands.yml
Downloads can be found in the release tab.
- All messages are configurable through
file - Announcements and messages support MiniMessage. You can use Adventure Web UI to create customized messages with colors and click/chat events.
- Added support for PAPIProxyBridge. By default, disabled in config.