Very primitive package for applying elemetary geometry to find to missing angles or sides in a triangle.
The interface is intuitive, the 3 angles are called A, B, C and the sides lengths a, b, c.
Here are some examples:
julia> triangle(C=90, a=3, b=4)
Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}} with 2 entries:
:Sides => [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
:Angles => [36.8699, 53.1301, 90.0]
julia> triangle(C=60, a=4, b=4)
Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}} with 2 entries:
:Sides => [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
:Angles => [60.0, 60.0, 60.0]
julia> triangle(a=3, b=3, c=3)
Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}} with 2 entries:
:Sides => [3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
:Angles => [60.0, 60.0, 60.0]
julia> triangle(A=30, B=60)
Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}} with 2 entries:
:Sides => [missing, missing, missing]
:Angles => [30.0, 60.0, 90.0]
- sine relations: given 2 angles and one opposing side, find other opposing side
- this solves 3 angles + 1 side
- use and report heights
- use and report area
- parse kwargs in loop
- update vectors in functions
- call functions repeatedly until done or give up.
- Needs to generate kwargs. See ?
- report inconsistent. eg triangle(a=1, b=2, c=4)
- report underdetermined. eg A, B, C
- relative constrains. Eg B == C or A == B/2.
- idea: string macro as positional argument: constraint"B == A/2, c == 2b"
- plot method