ID | Name | Runtime (ms) | Runtime (Better than) (%) | Memory Usage (MB) | Memory Usage (Better than) (%) |
1 | Two Sum | 104 | 30.35 | 15.1 | 69.92 |
2 | Add Two Numbers | 72 | 53.37 | 14.2 | 73.98 |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | 36 | 99.96 | 14.2 | 83.04 |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | 96 | 74.34 | 13.9 | 85.35 |
7 | Reverse Integer | 32 | 70.20 | 13.8 | 75.27 |
9 | Palindrome Number | 55 | 78.41 | 16.1 | 95.5 |
11 | Container With Most Water | 168 | 75.03 | 16.6 | 50.30 |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | 38 | 54.34 | 16.61 | 39.48 |
15 | 3Sum | 1676 | 24.00 | 153.5 | N/A |
18 | 4Sum | 64 | 99.28 | 14.4 | 59.84 |
20 | Valid Parentheses | 28 | 85.27 | 14.3 | 66.87 |
24 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | 28 | 82.02 | 14.2 | 58.00 |
31 | Next Permutation | 40 | 80.88 | 13.9 | 41.92 |
56 | Merge Intervals | 88 | 49.72 | 16.3 | 9.35 |
57 | Insert Interval | 84 | 71.85 | 17.1 | 75.36 |
58 | Length of Last Word | 44 | 17.34 | 13.9 | 45.34 |
88 | Merge Sorted Array | 36 | 69.59 | 14.3 | N/A |
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | 32 | 55.77 | 13.7 | 93.01 |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | 44 | 41.51 | 16.2 | 31.93 |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | 48 | 80.34 | 18.0 | 66.91 |
117 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II | 52 | 36.67 | 15.5 | N/A |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | 68 | 58.99 | 15.1 | 51.98 |
125 | Valid Palindrome | 54 | 38.77 | 22.58 | 5.85 |
127 | Word Ladder | 552 | 21.13 | 15.2 | 78.78 |
138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | 32 | 87.70 | 15.2 | 20.09 |
179 | Largest Number | 36 | 84.93 | 14.1 | 7.32 |
198 | House Robber | 40 | 27.94 | 13.8 | 59.98 |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | 36 | 88.24 | 14.1 | 47.13 |
215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | 60 | 88.90 | 15.1 | 74.25 |
229 | Majority Element II | 128 | 32.86 | 13.8 | 45.86 |
231 | Power of Two | 60 | 6.30 | 14.2 | 38.92 |
242 | Valid Anagram | 32 | 98.22 | 14.5 | 78.18 |
264 | Ugly Number II | 7500 | N/A | 12.8 | 58.04 |
284 | Peeking Iterator | 36 | 35.04 | 14.4 | 66.46 |
326 | Power of Three | 84 | 45.19 | 14.1 | 77.17 |
334 | Increasing Triplet Subsequence | 48 | 92.00 | 14.7 | 43.86 |
342 | Power of Four | 56 | 5.66 | 14.1 | 89.11 |
344 | Reverse String | 172 | 38.96 | 20.85 | 69.97 |
376 | Wiggle Subsequence | 36 | 62.24 | 14.1 | 89.37 |
389 | Find the Difference | 20 | 99.43 | 14.1 | N/A |
413 | Arithmetic Slices | 40 | 48.59 | 14.5 | 76.96 |
421 | Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array | 421 | 66.31 | 16.3 | 97.66 |
495 | Teemo Attacking | 256 | 95.94 | 15.3 | 7.16 |
498 | Diagonal Traverse | 188 | 80.36 | 16.8 | 51.85 |
526 | Beautiful Arrangement | 56 | 95.48 | 15.1 | 16.88 |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | 36 | 64.78 | 14.2 | 76.21 |
564 | Find the Closest Palindrome | 32 | 58.28 | 14.5 | 8.61 |
581 | Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray | 212 | 59.02 | 15.6 | N/A |
605 | Can Place Flowers | 164 | 57.77 | 14.6 | 66.37 |
628 | Maximum Product of Three Numbers | 244 | 94.03 | 15.6 | 7.12 |
693 | Binary Number with Alternating Bits | 32 | 55.19 | 13.7 | 78.74 |
709 | To Lower Case | 24 | 92.04 | 14.1 | 86.65 |
713 | Subarray Product Less Than K | 1616 | 18.97 | 18.4 | N/A |
714 | Subarray Product Less Than K | 1616 | 18.97 | 18.4 | N/A |
717 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee | 580 | 99.55 | 21.1 | 99.37 |
775 | Global and Local Inversions | 348 | 35.46 | 15.2 | 13.15 |
780 | Reaching Points | 32 | 55.25 | 14.3 | 28.62 |
792 | Number of Matching Subsequences | 2216 | 16.76 | 15.1 | 58.71 |
811 | Subdomain Visit Count | 64 | 29.36 | 14.2 | 5.12 |
886 | Possible Bipartition | 648 | 100.00 | 18.8 | 70.16 |
890 | Find and Replace Pattern | 36 | 35.82 | 14.3 | 30.80 |
898 | Bitwise ORs of Subarrays | 1396 | 10.12 | 40.2 | 57.52 |
917 | Sort Array By Parity | 70 | 39.09 | 17.44 | 19.03 |
917 | Reverse Only Letters | 32 | 57.92 | 13.7 | 82.00 |
933 | Number of Recent Calls | 608 | 12.50 | 18.0 | 7.50 |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | 240 | 66.45 | 15.7 | 64.88 |
986 | Interval List Intersections | 152 | 51.51 | 14.9 | 78.81 |
1002 | Find Common Characters | 44 | 82.93 | 16.62 | 67.21 |
1041 | Robot Bounded In Circle | 36 | 33.56 | 14.1 | N/A |
1091 | Shortest Path in Binary Matrix | 1524 | 5.01 | 16.3 | 6.80 |
1094 | Car Pooling | 72 | 44.68 | 14.5 | 12.59 |
1247 | Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal | 12 | 100.00 | 13.8 | 52.77 |
1275 | Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game | 40 | 28.62 | 13.8 | 72.16 |
1281 | Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer | 32 | 49.10 | 14.3 | 30.56 |
1291 | Sequential Digits | 40 | 22.56 | 13.8 | 50.26 |
1328 | Break a Palindrome | 28 | 77.26 | 14.0 | 18.31 |
1345 | Jump Game IV | 496 | 81.90 | 30.4 | 37.72 |
1450 | Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time | 36 | 72.00 | 14.4 | 19.36 |
1463 | Cherry Pickup II | 1608 | 33.01 | 26.7 | 52.15 |
1641 | Count Sorted Vowel Strings | 40 | 30.41 | 14.3 | 57.36 |
1646 | Get Maximum in Generated Array | 24 | 95.87 | 14.4 | N/A |
1658 | Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero | 1216 | 66.20 | 28.8 | 63.39 |
1662 | Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent | 40 | 19.73 | 14.2 | 86.98 |
1679 | Max Number of K-Sum Pairs | 848 | 18.68 | 27.5 | 40.53 |
Build image:
docker build --tag leetcode .
Run container:
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd):/leetcode" leetcode /bin/bash
- Configure CI
- Configure Code Analysis
- Configure CodeCov
- TODO: 5, 887, 446, 322, 152