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Releases: transmart/SmartR

SmartR 1.2 Stable Release

27 Jan 08:06
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NEW [IPAConnector]

NEW [PatientMapper Workflow]

  • Enables the user to modify the cohort to reflect the same patient set but in a different study

[Boxplot Workflow]

  • The user can now create groups by using categorical variables

[Heatmap Workflow]

  • Fixed a bug related to sample sorting

SmartR 1.1 Stable Release

16 Nov 08:55
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The changelog might be incomplete. This release contains over 200 commits, which add over 15.000 LOC, that affect 43 files, so I might have forgotten a thing or two.

Installation Instructions


  • [Enhancement] Improved speed for on-the-fly computations if many files have been loaded

NEW [Timeseries Workflow]

  • [Feature] Support for numerical, categorical and high dimensional time series data
  • [Feature] Re-arrangeable time axis
  • [Feature] Time axis evenly spaced or in relation to other time points
  • [Feature] Switch between different error measures and statistics to summarise patients
  • [Feature] Compute mean and standard deviation on-the-fly for any timeline
  • [Feature] Rank categorical time series data manually and display most significant patients
  • [Feature] Smooth timelines on-demand
  • [Feature] Several hover and tooltip features

[Boxplot Workflow]

  • [Feature] The workflow is now based on plotly.js
  • [Feature] High dimensional data support

SmartR 1.0 Stable Release

07 Oct 06:46
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This is the first stable release for SmartR.

An upgrade is recommended but not strictly necessary if you don't experience any issues with the RC release. Installation Instructions


  • [Bug] Fixed issue where user was redirected to Grails welcome page, rather than the TM interface (Thanks @anthony-o )
  • [Bug] Correctly read port variable for Rserve server from configuration file
  • [Improvement] Improved compatibility with 16.2 & eTRIKv3 builds
  • [Improvement] Added "Capture" button to each workflow
  • [Improvement] Moved workflow controls to avoid collision with browser scrollbar
  • [Misc] Test cases fixed

[Heatmap Workflow]

  • [Improvement] Downloaded data now match data table
  • [Bug] Fixed several issues concerning time series HDD data
  • [Bug] Fixed API calls for pathway enrichment analysis via Biocompendium

SmartR 1.0 Release Candidate

28 Jun 11:06
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Note: This list highlights the most visible changes. "Under the hood" much more happened, such as the performance improvements, code cleanups/refactorings or small visual changes, for example a more consistent font sizing in the heatmap. A list of all 46 closed issues can be found >>here<<
An upgrade to this version is highly recommended: Installation instructions


  • [Feature] Possibility to return and display R warnings in WF
  • [Improvement] Massively improved ergonomy of all workflows, e.g.
    better tooltips, better contextmenues, better control placements
  • [Improvement] Use subjectID rather than transmartID
  • [Improvement] Many checks have been added to prevent launching a WF
    with wrong input, e.g. HDD nodes of different platform
  • [Bug] Fixed bug that could prevent InternetExplorer from fetching
  • [Bug] Fixed bugs around incorrect placement of contextmenu and
    other issues linked to it
  • [Bug] Errors are now properly shown, rather than having silent crashing and
    endless fetching or the kind

[Heatmap Workflow]

  • [Feature] Low dimensional data support
  • [Feature] On-the-fly change of displayed significance criteria,
    e.g. mean, variance, log fold change, ...
  • [Feature] Table displaying all possible ranking statistics,
    dynamically linked to the heatmap sorting
  • [Improvement] Consistent naming according to node label, e.g. 1000123_BreastCancer_s2
  • [Improvement] Visual indication of chosen sorting
  • [Bug] Fixed bug that caused old summary stats to be displayed

[Boxplot Workflow]

  • [Feature] log transformation of data by choice

[Correlation Workflow]

  • [Feature] log transformation of data by choice

[Volcanoplot Workflow]

  • [Feature] Ported workflow to Angular and made it functional

Second beta for 1.0 release

28 Apr 11:53
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  • General: Completley new tooltip and context menu design and behaviour
  • Heatmap: (Re-)added EMBL EBI and GeneCards links to feature names
  • Heatmap: Subsets are not swapped anymore in summary statistics
  • Correlation: Fixed bug where histograms where too big
  • Concept box is now scrollable
  • Data cannot be fetched anymore if input is invalid
  • Moved SmartR tab next to Advanced workflow
  • Many little design and user experience improvements
  • Total list of resolved issues:

First beta for 1.0 release

21 Apr 11:15
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No change log behind this point