GIFT (Feb 20, 2024):
Changed name of Neuromark template to Neuromark_fMRI_1.0.nii
Added Neuromark fMRI 2.0
Multiorder constrained maps supplied
Implemented Datavis
GIFT version displayed in main window
Added automatic slicing feature for both fMRI and SBM
Implemented SSB SWPC option by Ashkan
Default&ICV mask optoin to remove eyeballs
Implemented NBIC toolbox, including import function and example script
GIFT MATLAB Runtime Compiler
Reports working
Removed rspm_progress_bar in deployed cases (preventing a crash)
Modified report for bidsapp
F-stat option when using univariate results (icatb_defaults)
contrasts label excludes nan in univariate results
ANOVA fixes
New demo data for GIFT (Stefan Dvoretski )
Fixed report generation for spatial constraint ica
Fix of "out of range" error when inconsistency between comp_network_names, sesInfo.numComp and number of subjects appears
Batch fix for head motion variables
GIFT will pick the batch file TR for DFNC processing if if TR is different in the parameter file
Corrected icasso figures plots out as they should when clicking button [Results Summary]
T-test added to SBM
ROI based FC stats summary is now saved
Plotting components faster
Trilinear interpolation for the display of function on the structural template (icatb_default.m)
Implemented cEBM to GIFT
Added colorbar to icatb_overlayImages
For batch fix so folder is created even if extra slash is supplied
Fix for matlab2023b bug
Default&icv mask for GIFT when run on server installation
Added average mask for fMRI
Fixed report generation for Windows platform
ROI-voxel option in dFC tool fixed so voxel maps are not prevented
groupica.m now handles multiple arguments when called in batch
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