Goes along with the Blog on deploying apps in EKS using Helm and CloudFormation. BLOG Link:
You will need to have the following completed prior to working through the deployment part of the blog.
- Deploy EKS cluster using the “Modular and Scalable Amazon EKS Architecture” Quick Start by following the deployment guide at the following link.
- Once you have the EKS cluster deployed you will need to get the following outputs from the EKSStack in CloudFormation.
- Needed Outputs both examples:
- “HelmLambdaArn”
- “KubeClusterName“
- “KubeConfigPath“
- “KubeGetLambdaArn“
- Needed for build with external database example only
- “NodeGroupSecurityGroupId”
- “BastionSecurityGroupId”
- How to retrieve the needed outputs:
- In the AWS Console under Services select CloudFormation.
- In CloudFormation select Stacks from the left side panel.
- In Stacks click on -EKSStack-
- ex. “eks-run-1-EKSStack-1IOKX7GLR4KM5”
- Needed Outputs both examples:
"helm-wordpress-deploy.yml" - Deploys Wordpress using a Helm Chart, and automatically handles the database setup and configuration.
"helm-wordpress-deploy-RDS.yml" - Deploys Wordpress using a Helm Chart and an external RDS database (Mariadb) that is created within the template.