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Truework.js Credentials

A basic example of a Truework.js Credentials implementation using Node.js and browser APIs.

This example has two components:

  1. An Express server for securely creating Credentials Sessions, listening for webhooks, and serving static content
  2. A simple static HTML file that implements the Truework.js Credentials widget

Getting Started

To get started, first install dependencies:

npm ci
  1. Open static/index.html and enter in your publishable key from your Truework user settings page.
  2. Configure two environment variables.
    • TW_SANDBOX_API_TOKEN — an API key created on your Truework user settings page
    • SECURITY_TOKENS — tokens generated for you when you configure a webhook in your Truework user settings. Separate these with a single comma.

Environment variables can be set by copying .env.example to .env and defining the values there, or by passing them to the npm start command e.g. TW_SANDBOX_API_TOKEN=... npm start.

Running the server

To run the server on port 3000:

npm start

Then open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser.


The Express server is configured to listen for webhooks on the /webhook endpoint. You should use a tunneling service like ngrok to make this endpoint reachable by the Truework API for testing:

For example, after running npm start, point ngrok at port 3000:

ngrok http 3000

Then, from your Truework user Developer Settings page, configure webhooks to call the publicly reachable address ngrok created for you. It should look something like

Each webhook has its own security token. Configure these values as your SECURITY_TOKENS environment variable, separated by commas. This will validate each webhook request, ensuring that it orignated from our APIs.