Provide Language Server Protocol autocompletion source for asyncomplete.vim from LanguageClient-neovim.
Installing (vim-plug)
- Install LanguageClient-neovim.
- Install asyncomplete.vim + this completion source.
Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {'branch': 'next', 'do': 'bash'}
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
Plug 'tryone144/asyncomplete-LanguageClient.vim'
This plugin does not provide any completions on its own but uses LanguageClient-neovim to query them from a language server. Refer to the LanguageClient-neovim Dokumentation on how to register new language servers.
Sources will be registered automatically when the language server has been started. To add more sources see Completion Sources.
The following features are currently not implemented:
- Add option to disable loading of this plugin
- Add support for whitelist/blacklist on when to register the LanguageClient
- Add option to specify source priority (globally, or for each filetype)
- Register the LanguageClient separately for each filetype
If you want to contribute to the development feel free to submit a PR.
Copyright 2020 Bernd Busse @tryone144
This plugin is released under the MIT license.