Extension of IT Workshop Project 1
- Open the terminal in the Backend Folder
- First install virtual environment through the following commands:
- python3 -m venv venv (or) python -m venv venv (based on the version of python in your system)
- Create a virtual environment through the following commands:
- . venv/bin/activate
- pip install Flask
- pip install -U flask-cors
- pip freeze
- export FLASK_APP=development
- export FLASK_DEBUG=1
- export FLASK_APP=server.py
- flask run
- Open the terminal in the Backend Folder
- First install virtual environment through the following command:
- pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment through the following commands:
- virtualenv venv
- . .\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
- pip install Flask
- pip install Flask-Cors
- set FLASK_APP=development
- set FLASK_APP='server.py'
- $env:FLASK_APP = "server.py"
- python -m flask run