Daily outlines/schedules for the Turing School of Software & Design courses. These are used in combination with lesson plans and often reference JumpstartLab tutorials.
The live version of these outlines is up at today.turing.io.
Assuming you have Ruby set up, here are some things you can do:
git clone https://github.com/turingschool/today.git # get the code locally
cd today # cd into the code
bundle install # install ruby dependencies (you'll need to be on Ruby 2.1.2)
bundle exec rspec # I made a couple of tests for a helper class, see them run
bundle exec middleman server # Run a server for the pages, it does an okay job of dynamically reloading code
open http://localhost:4567 # Visit the site you're serving
bundle exec middleman build # Build the pages
The site uses:
- Middleman to compile all the pages into a static website. You don't need to know too much about how it works, or at the very least, I'm pretty ignorant about it, but have been able to make quite a few changes. Links: getting started
- Sass for stylesheets, links: guide, docs.
- Haml for content, links: tutorial , docs.
When new commits are pushed to master, the site will automatically be built and deployed.
Unless otherwise noted, all materials licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0