Manage routes to deal with overlapping networks.
Suppose you need to connect to multiple clients/networks configured with the same network IP for any reason. This app provide a way to easily add/remove routes to bypass overlapping.
routemanager provide a way to easily manage routes.
Warning: as routemanager is changing routes, be carefull with this app.
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install --editable .
Open the file routemanager/routemanager/
and edit the app.config.update dict to match your configuration.
IF_VPN is the most important configuration, you need to provide the name of the interface to manage. If the interface doesn't exist, the app will raise an exception.
To run the app just type routemanager
in your terminal.
Warning: by default the app is in debug mode and listen on
Edit bin/routemanager
to change listen address and debug option.
export FLASK_APP=routemanager
flask initdb