This Puppet module is meant to ease the implementation of multiple network interfaces on a server and leverage special network solutions offered by the hosting company OVH.
- General network interface, private/public.
- Virtual interfaces, included the ones offered by OVH as part of their vRack solution.
- Wraps underlying calls to the OVH API to control the routing destination of the IP (works between different data centers).
- Can control virtual interface state regardless of subnet which isn't possible with OCF scripts such as RedHat's rgmanager.
You can manage in a single definition a virtual interface with failover capability provided by OVH. Apply the definition on serverB by just changing the destination_fqdn to "serverA" and device name if differently mapped.
class { 'ovhipfailover':
ipaddress => "x.x.x.x",
device => "ethX:X",
destination_fqdn => "",
application_key => "",
application_secret => "",
consumer_key => "",
To obtain a consumer key to use on the OVH API after creating an application key and secret, use the embedded Python script. Calling the script will return a consumer key and a link to the validation url, you should choose an "illimited" time validity for your consumer key.
By using the failover init script in a cluster resource manager such as rgmanager or Pacemaker, a true HA solution can be implemented across multiple OVH datacenters. No extra parameter is needed to call the script as a standard init script resource.