Load testing application for IDLER chat service https://github.com/eugene-krivtsov/idler
- Scala 2.13.8
- Gatling 3.7.6
For this application need EnvFile plugin by Borys Pierov and .env file which contains:
POSTGRES_HOST=[your postgres host here]
POSTGRES_PORT=[your postgres port here]
POSTGRES_DB=[your postgres db here]
POSTGRES_SCHEMA=[your postgres schema here]
POSTGRES_USER=[your postgres user here]
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[your postgres password here]
By default, this application makes load testing server by "http://localhost:9000". For change target application URL you need to change baseUrl parameters in Scala config. Also, for testing feeder need to provide database connection. You should fill .env file according to database connection parameters.
serverName = ${POSTGRES_HOST}
portNumber = ${POSTGRES_PORT}
databaseName = ${POSTGRES_DB}
currentSchema = ${POSTGRES_SCHEMA}
The main class for testing is GatlingRunner.scala. You should choose simulation class from com.idler.api.simulation and put to simulation class here.
object GatlingRunner {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder
props.simulationClass(classOf[simulation class here].getName)
Important, there are two strategy of injections steps. You should carefully choose their for successful testing. Parameters for injection steps in Config.scala.
val openInjectionSteps: Seq[OpenInjectionStep] = Seq(
val closedInjectionSteps: Seq[ClosedInjectionStep] = Seq(