A web interface inventory service that allows users to collaborate to keep track of their belongings in buildings.
npm install
npm start
npm run seed
Landing Page
- Homepage that explains the purpose of our service.
User Profile Page
- Page where user can manage their username, password, profile picture, and buildings.
Building Page
- Page that shows the contents and details of an individual building.
Room Page
- Page that shows the contents and details of an individual room.
Container Page
- Page that shows the contents and details of an individual container.
Item Page
- Page that shows the details of an item.
Search for Objects
- Users will be able to search for an object (room, container, item) by name, within the scope of a page.
- Users can give each other roles that will either allow them to view or manage a building.
Browse Buildings Page
- Users will be able to view their own buildings, buildings that they manage and public buildings.
- Users will be able to view the statistics on a building.