Welcome Birdies ;-)
twoBirds is a ...
- lightweight,
- component-based,
- event-driven / loosely coupled,
- vanilla
Javascript Web Component Library that maps objects to DOM nodes or into other objects.
twoBirds is as easy as jQuery, but on application/framework level.
twoBirds supports all targets and web programming use cases, so using twoBirds alone you can...
add JS functionality to an existing webpage in the most simple way, no matter which framework was used on the server side (progressive enhancement)
build completely encapsuled ACEs ( Autonomous Custom Elements ) and UBEs ( User-defined Built-in Elements ) to use in your own project or deliver as a standalone element to a customers web project.
build a single page application from ground up and optionally make it a progressive web app
build a plain old website using serverside rendering from ground up using NodeJS
mix all of the above to optimize for search engines, or migrate an existing serverside rendered webpage to a SPA on the fly
build multi-tier microservices using NodeJS
build mobile apps using Phonegap/Cordova
build windows, linux and mac apps using Electron
tB can completely replace your stack from the data source to the display. It is one coding style using only vanilla Javascript plus some conventions and utilities.
twoBirds visible objects can be rendered on the server side and on the client side with minimal changes, or even be programmed to support both from the beginning.
twoBirds strictly follows the KISS and DRY doctrines.
The tB core can be seen as an intermediate step between a simple wrapper/helper library like jQuery and a fully fledged JS framework.
Like the first, it has selectors for the DOM and reasonable modification methods.
Like the latter, it incorporates a higher level abstraction scheme for application objects.
tB is JS-linted, Jasmine tested and this package contains the complete API documentation. Technically it is the minimum possible toolkit to create an application.
Tutorials (work in progress)
You can also contact me if you need a specific twoBirds plugin tailored for your needs or if a question arises.