To utilize this SDK, you'll need to import the NGCS class into your Xojo Application.
Say that you have a Listbox in which you have a few columns:
- Name
- Status
- IP
- Datacenter
Within this listbox, you want all of your servers to be listed for easy viewing within your app.
dim srv as new ngcs.Servers
ngcs.apikey = "<APIKEY>" 'Enter your API key from the CloudPanel =>Management =>Users area
dim resp as new JSONItem(srv.get(str(""), srvPageList.Text.CLong - 1, servPerPageList.text.CLong))
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to resp.Count - 1 'Run through each Server in JsonObject
dim srvr as JSONItem = resp.Child(i) 'Grab the current Server object
dim name as string = srvr.value("name") 'Get the "Name" of the Server
// End NAME
dim statusj as jsonitem = srvr.value("status") 'The status is another Json object, we must get the actual "State"
dim status as string = statusj.Value("state") 'Returns the state of the server
// IP
dim ip as string 'Create a base string to work with
dim i2 as integer 'Create a new integer to use as a count
dim ips as JSONItem = srvr.value("ips") 'Get All the IPs for current server
dim ipcount as integer= ips.count - 2 'Baseline our count to see if there is more than 1 IP
ip = ips.child(i2).value("ip") 'Return the first IP listed
if ipcount > 0 then 'Due to our baseline, we can see that there is either 1 ip (0) or more (>0)
ip = ip + " +" + str(ipcount) 'Lets just add the number of ips, rather than display them to keep the listbox spacing
end if
dim dcj as jsonitem = srvr.value("datacenter") 'Grab the Datacenter jsonobject
dim dc as string = dcj.value("country_code") 'Find the actual Datacenter countrycode (US, UK, etc)
servList.AddRow( _
name, _
status, _
ip, _
dc _
servList.RowTag(servList.ListCount-1) = srvr.value("id") 'Lets track the individual row by its ID so we can use it later
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4/27/17 - Initial Commit
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