A responsive UBC CLF (Common Look and Feel) theme for Drupal 8+. Created by the UBC IT Web Services Department.
Galactus is a theme for Drupal 8+, providing UBC-branded units with the basic structure of the UBC CLF (Common Look and Feel).
If you need to modify the theme to suit your needs, we recommend forking it as a Starterkit extend this one instead.
If you're using composer, add the project with:
composer require ubc-web-services/galactus
A starterkit fork will duplicate all the files from Galactus to your new theme to modify to your needs. See the Starterkit Documentation for more details.
Considering it's a galactus fork we recommend prefixing the fork with galactus_
although you can name it any name that doesn't conflict with another project installed on your Drupal site.
mkdir -p themes/custom
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --starterkit galactus --path themes/custom galactus_PROJECT
Drupal 8+ does not support Internet Explorer versions earlier than version 9 due to jQuery version incompatibilities. See this Change Record for more details.
Drupal 10+ has removed Internet Explorer support all together. See this Change Record for more details.