This is 3D volmetric video viewer project for AR by using depth images created by machine learning.
VR | AR |
- Unity: 2020.3.17f1
- ARFoundation: 4.1.7
- ARCore XR Plugin: 4.1.7
For this project, I use "Learning to Recover 3D Scene Shape from a Single Image" to get depth images from a monocular RGB video.
You should compress the video for the acceralation.
ffmpeg -i yourvideo.mp4 -vf scale=640:-1 yourvideo_out.mp4
Convert your video to sequential images to load the machine leaning pipeline.
ffmpeg -i yourviedeo_out.mp4 -vcodec png dir/%d.png
To obtain depth images from monocular RGB images, please see README in repo of "Learning to Recover 3D Scene Shape from a Single Image"
This part is about on this Unity project.
Import your depth images obtained by above process to
. Also import your RGB images toAssets/Resources/yourdir/RGB
. -
You should check Read/Write Enabled in inspector of all of your image imported.
At PngSeqAnimater of
in the Hierarchy, you should change the parameters.
If you want to chance point size, you can see
in this project.