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renaming visitable -> foldable and specialized visitor for trans to V…
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vrindisbacher committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent 36ae1ca commit 140ae73
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Showing 3 changed files with 87 additions and 86 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/Horn/Transformations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ elimKs' (k:ks) (noside, side) = elimKs' (trace ("solved kvar " <> F.showpp k <>
-- exists in the positive positions (which will stay exists when we go to
-- prenex) may give us a lot of trouble during _quantifier elimination_
-- tx :: F.Symbol -> [[Bind]] -> Pred -> Pred
-- tx k bss = trans (defaultVisitor { txExpr = existentialPackage, ctxExpr = ctxKV }) M.empty ()
-- tx k bss = trans (defaultFolder { txExpr = existentialPackage, ctxExpr = ctxKV }) M.empty ()
-- where
-- splitBinds xs = unzip $ (\(Bind x t p) -> ((x,t),p)) <$> xs
-- cubeSol su (Bind _ _ (Reft eqs):xs)
Expand All @@ -564,16 +564,16 @@ elimKs' (k:ks) (noside, side) = elimKs' (trace ("solved kvar " <> F.showpp k <>
-- ctxKV m _ = m

-- Visitor only visit Exprs in Pred!
instance V.Visitable Pred where
visit v c (PAnd ps) = PAnd <$> mapM (visit v c) ps
visit v c (Reft e) = Reft <$> visit v c e
visit _ _ var = pure var

instance V.Visitable (Cstr a) where
visit v c (CAnd cs) = CAnd <$> mapM (visit v c) cs
visit v c (Head p a) = Head <$> visit v c p <*> pure a
visit v ctx (All (Bind x t p l) c) = All <$> (Bind x t <$> visit v ctx p <*> pure l) <*> visit v ctx c
visit v ctx (Any (Bind x t p l) c) = All <$> (Bind x t <$> visit v ctx p <*> pure l) <*> visit v ctx c
instance V.Foldable Pred where
foldE v c (PAnd ps) = PAnd <$> mapM (foldE v c) ps
foldE v c (Reft e) = Reft <$> foldE v c e
foldE _ _ var = pure var

instance V.Foldable (Cstr a) where
foldE v c (CAnd cs) = CAnd <$> mapM (foldE v c) cs
foldE v c (Head p a) = Head <$> foldE v c p <*> pure a
foldE v ctx (All (Bind x t p l) c) = All <$> (Bind x t <$> foldE v ctx p <*> pure l) <*> foldE v ctx c
foldE v ctx (Any (Bind x t p l) c) = All <$> (Bind x t <$> foldE v ctx p <*> pure l) <*> foldE v ctx c

-- | Quantifier elimination for use with implicit solver
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/SortCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -913,12 +913,12 @@ which, I imagine is what happens _somewhere_ inside GHC too?

applySorts :: Vis.Visitable t => t -> [Sort]
applySorts :: Vis.Foldable t => t -> [Sort]
applySorts = {- notracepp "applySorts" . -} (defs ++) . Vis.fold vis () []
defs = [FFunc t1 t2 | t1 <- basicSorts, t2 <- basicSorts]
vis = (Vis.defaultVisitor :: Vis.Visitor [KVar] t) { Vis.accExpr = go }
vis = (Vis.defaultFolder :: Vis.Folder [KVar] t) { Vis.accExpr = go }
go _ (EApp (ECst (EVar f) t) _) -- get types needed for [NOTE:apply-monomorphism]
| f == applyName
= [t]
Expand Down
147 changes: 74 additions & 73 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/Types/Visitor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,14 @@

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor (
-- * Visitor
Visitor (..)
, Visitable (..)
Folder (..)
, Foldable (..)

-- * Extracting Symbolic Constants (String Literals)
, SymConsts (..)

-- * Default Visitor
, defaultVisitor
, defaultFolder

-- * Transformers
, trans
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc as Misc
import Control.Monad.Reader
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, IORef, modifyIORef')
import Prelude hiding (Foldable)

data Visitor acc ctx = Visitor {
data Folder acc ctx = Visitor {
-- | Context @ctx@ is built in a "top-down" fashion; not "across" siblings
ctxExpr :: ctx -> Expr -> ctx

Expand All @@ -77,30 +78,30 @@ data Visitor acc ctx = Visitor {

defaultVisitor :: (Monoid acc) => Visitor acc ctx
defaultFolder :: (Monoid acc) => Folder acc ctx
defaultVisitor = Visitor
defaultFolder = Visitor
{ ctxExpr = const
, txExpr = \_ x -> x
, accExpr = \_ _ -> mempty


fold :: (Visitable t, Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> t -> a
fold v c a t = snd $ execVisitM v c a visit t
fold :: (Foldable t, Monoid a) => Folder a ctx -> ctx -> a -> t -> a
fold v c a t = snd $ execVisitM v c a foldE t

-- trans is always passed () () for a and t so we don't need to use the visitor pattern
-- trans :: (Visitable t, Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> t -> t
-- trans !v !c !_ !z = fst $ execVisitM v c mempty visit z

class Translatable t where
class Visitable t where
transE :: (Expr -> Expr) -> t -> t

trans :: Translatable t => (Expr -> Expr) -> t -> t
trans :: Visitable t => (Expr -> Expr) -> t -> t
trans f t = transE f t

instance Translatable Expr where
instance Visitable Expr where
transE f = vE
vE e = step e' where e' = f e
Expand All @@ -127,124 +128,124 @@ instance Translatable Expr where
step p@(PKVar _ _) = p
step (PGrad k su i e) = PGrad k su i (vE e)

instance Translatable Reft where
instance Visitable Reft where
transE v (Reft (x, ra)) = Reft (x, transE v ra)

instance Translatable SortedReft where
instance Visitable SortedReft where
transE v (RR t r) = RR t (transE v r)

instance Translatable (Symbol, SortedReft, a) where
instance Visitable (Symbol, SortedReft, a) where
transE f (sym, sr, a) = (sym, transE f sr, a)

instance Translatable (BindEnv a) where
instance Visitable (BindEnv a) where
transE v be = be { beBinds = (transE v) (beBinds be) }

instance (Translatable (c a)) => Translatable (GInfo c a) where
instance (Visitable (c a)) => Visitable (GInfo c a) where
transE f x = x {
cm = transE f <$> cm x
, bs = transE f (bs x)
, ae = transE f (ae x)

instance Translatable (SimpC a) where
instance Visitable (SimpC a) where
transE v x = x {
_crhs = transE v (_crhs x)

instance Translatable (SubC a) where
instance Visitable (SubC a) where
transE v x = x {
slhs = transE v (slhs x),
srhs = transE v (srhs x)

instance Translatable AxiomEnv where
instance Visitable AxiomEnv where
transE v x = x {
aenvEqs = transE v <$> aenvEqs x,
aenvSimpl = transE v <$> aenvSimpl x

instance Translatable Equation where
instance Visitable Equation where
transE v eq = eq {
eqBody = transE v (eqBody eq)

instance Translatable Rewrite where
instance Visitable Rewrite where
transE v rw = rw {
smBody = transE v (smBody rw)

execVisitM :: Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> (Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> t -> VisitM a t) -> t -> (t, a)
execVisitM :: Folder a ctx -> ctx -> a -> (Folder a ctx -> ctx -> t -> FoldM a t) -> t -> (t, a)
execVisitM !v !c !a !f !x = unsafePerformIO $ do
rn <- newIORef a
result <- runReaderT (f v c x) rn
finalAcc <- readIORef rn
return (result, finalAcc)

type VisitM acc = ReaderT (IORef acc) IO
type FoldM acc = ReaderT (IORef acc) IO

accum :: (Monoid a) => a -> VisitM a ()
accum :: (Monoid a) => a -> FoldM a ()
accum !z = do
ref <- ask
liftIO $ modifyIORef' ref (mappend z)

class Visitable t where
visit :: (Monoid a) => Visitor a c -> c -> t -> VisitM a t
class Foldable t where
foldE :: (Monoid a) => Folder a c -> c -> t -> FoldM a t

instance Visitable Expr where
visit = visitExpr
instance Foldable Expr where
foldE = foldExpr

instance Visitable Reft where
visit v c (Reft (x, ra)) = Reft . (x, ) <$> visit v c ra
instance Foldable Reft where
foldE v c (Reft (x, ra)) = Reft . (x, ) <$> foldE v c ra

instance Visitable SortedReft where
visit v c (RR t r) = RR t <$> visit v c r
instance Foldable SortedReft where
foldE v c (RR t r) = RR t <$> foldE v c r

instance Visitable (Symbol, SortedReft, a) where
visit v c (sym, sr, a) = (sym, ,a) <$> visit v c sr
instance Foldable (Symbol, SortedReft, a) where
foldE v c (sym, sr, a) = (sym, ,a) <$> foldE v c sr

instance Visitable (BindEnv a) where
visit v c = mapM (visit v c)
instance Foldable (BindEnv a) where
foldE v c = mapM (foldE v c)

-- WARNING: these instances were written for mapKVars over GInfos only;
-- check that they behave as expected before using with other clients.
instance Visitable (SimpC a) where
visit v c x = do
rhs' <- visit v c (_crhs x)
instance Foldable (SimpC a) where
foldE v c x = do
rhs' <- foldE v c (_crhs x)
return x { _crhs = rhs' }

instance Visitable (SubC a) where
visit v c x = do
lhs' <- visit v c (slhs x)
rhs' <- visit v c (srhs x)
instance Foldable (SubC a) where
foldE v c x = do
lhs' <- foldE v c (slhs x)
rhs' <- foldE v c (srhs x)
return x { slhs = lhs', srhs = rhs' }

instance (Visitable (c a)) => Visitable (GInfo c a) where
visit v c x = do
cm' <- mapM (visit v c) (cm x)
bs' <- visit v c (bs x)
ae' <- visit v c (ae x)
instance (Foldable (c a)) => Foldable (GInfo c a) where
foldE v c x = do
cm' <- mapM (foldE v c) (cm x)
bs' <- foldE v c (bs x)
ae' <- foldE v c (ae x)
return x { cm = cm', bs = bs', ae = ae' }

instance Visitable AxiomEnv where
visit v c x = do
eqs' <- mapM (visit v c) (aenvEqs x)
simpls' <- mapM (visit v c) (aenvSimpl x)
instance Foldable AxiomEnv where
foldE v c x = do
eqs' <- mapM (foldE v c) (aenvEqs x)
simpls' <- mapM (foldE v c) (aenvSimpl x)
return x { aenvEqs = eqs' , aenvSimpl = simpls'}

instance Visitable Equation where
visit v c eq = do
body' <- visit v c (eqBody eq)
instance Foldable Equation where
foldE v c eq = do
body' <- foldE v c (eqBody eq)
return eq { eqBody = body' }

instance Visitable Rewrite where
visit v c rw = do
body' <- visit v c (smBody rw)
instance Foldable Rewrite where
foldE v c rw = do
body' <- foldE v c (smBody rw)
return rw { smBody = body' }

visitExpr :: (Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> Expr -> VisitM a Expr
visitExpr !v = vE
foldExpr :: (Monoid a) => Folder a ctx -> ctx -> Expr -> FoldM a Expr
foldExpr !v = vE
vE !c !e = do {- SCC "visitExpr.vE.accum" -} accum acc
{- SCC "visitExpr.vE.step" -} step c' e'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,12 +275,12 @@ visitExpr !v = vE
step _ p@(PKVar _ _) = return p
step !c (PGrad k su i e) = PGrad k su i <$> vE c e

mapKVars :: Translatable t => (KVar -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars :: Visitable t => (KVar -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars f = mapKVars' f'
f' (kv', _) = f kv'

mapKVars' :: Translatable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars' :: Visitable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars' f = trans txK
txK (PKVar k su)
Expand All @@ -290,14 +291,14 @@ mapKVars' f = trans txK

mapGVars' :: Translatable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapGVars' :: Visitable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapGVars' f = trans txK
txK (PGrad k su _ _)
| Just p' <- f (k, su) = subst su p'
txK p = p

mapExpr :: Translatable t => (Expr -> Expr) -> t -> t
mapExpr :: Visitable t => (Expr -> Expr) -> t -> t
mapExpr f = trans f

-- | Specialized and faster version of mapExpr for expressions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ mapMExpr f = go
go (PAnd ps) = f . PAnd =<< (go `traverse` ps)
go (POr ps) = f . POr =<< (go `traverse` ps)

mapKVarSubsts :: Translatable t => (KVar -> Subst -> Subst) -> t -> t
mapKVarSubsts :: Visitable t => (KVar -> Subst -> Subst) -> t -> t
mapKVarSubsts f = trans txK
txK (PKVar k su) = PKVar k (f k su)
Expand All @@ -442,25 +443,25 @@ instance Monoid MInt where
mappend :: MInt -> MInt -> MInt
mappend = (<>)

size :: Visitable t => t -> Integer
size :: Foldable t => t -> Integer
size t = n
MInt n = fold szV () mempty t
szV = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor MInt t) { accExpr = \ _ _ -> MInt 1 }
szV = (defaultFolder :: Folder MInt t) { accExpr = \ _ _ -> MInt 1 }

lamSize :: Visitable t => t -> Integer
lamSize :: Foldable t => t -> Integer
lamSize t = n
MInt n = fold szV () mempty t
szV = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor MInt t) { accExpr = accum }
szV = (defaultFolder :: Folder MInt t) { accExpr = accum }
accum _ (ELam _ _) = MInt 1
accum _ _ = MInt 0

eapps :: Visitable t => t -> [Expr]
eapps :: Foldable t => t -> [Expr]
eapps = fold eappVis () []
eappVis = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor [KVar] t) { accExpr = eapp' }
eappVis = (defaultFolder :: Folder [KVar] t) { accExpr = eapp' }
eapp' _ e@(EApp _ _) = [e]
eapp' _ _ = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,9 +667,9 @@ instance SymConsts Reft where
instance SymConsts Expr where
symConsts = getSymConsts

getSymConsts :: Visitable t => t -> [SymConst]
getSymConsts :: Foldable t => t -> [SymConst]
getSymConsts = fold scVis () []
scVis = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor [SymConst] t) { accExpr = sc }
scVis = (defaultFolder :: Folder [SymConst] t) { accExpr = sc }
sc _ (ESym c) = [c]
sc _ _ = []

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