An OpenTok 1-to-1 solution focussed on adding presence to an application. Uses OpenTok .Net Server SDK. Also allows the users to archive their video session.
Clone Repository
Go to App_Start/RouteConfig.cs file and replace the ApiKey and Secret settings with your OpenTok API key and secret, from the TokBox Dashboard.Generate a sessionId from the Project Tools in the TokBox Dashboard depending on your need, generally you can go with "RELAYED" Session.But if you want to archive the session then you have to generate a "ROUTED" sessionId. Use the generated Session ID to replace SessionId in the "HomeController".
Restore the missing Nuget Packages
Visit the URL mapped to the application by your web server.
Input a name to be identified with. You will now see a list of available users, which will start as empty.
Have another user (possibly in another window or tab) visit the same URL, and input a new user name.
Each of the users will see one another in the Buddies list.
- In order to start a chat with an available user, click the camera icon next to the user's name.
A user who has sent an invitation cannot receive invitations from other users. Unavailable users do not have a camera icon next to their name in the Buddies list.
While waiting for a response to an invitation, the user can use the "cancel" button to stop the invitation.
An invited user receives an invitation to chat, which they can either accept or decline. If accepted, the chat begins. If declined, the invitation disappears.
An invited user can continue to receive invitations from other users. If the user accepts an invitation, all other invitations are automatically declined.
Once either of the users chooses to "end chat," both users will return to being available.
#Code and Conceptual Walkthrough
##Technologies All the routings in this application are done in the Global.asax file of the solution
In addition, the app uses Backbone.js library for client-side functionality. It is a basic MV* library, and while it's helpful in laying some groundwork for the client, the same functionality could be achieved with other libraries and frameworks or even with no framework at all. Along with Backbone, the client makes use of its dependencies: jQuery, and Lodash. Lodash is a library that is compatible with Underscore.js but has better performance, and it is also used for view templating.
Lastly, the app uses Bootstrap to help style the UI and for reusable components, such as buttons and modals.
##Concepts Each user needs to be aware of the state of each of the other users -- this is known as presence. This application approaches this from a distributed point of view, which means there is no central authority required and there's less overhead in storing each user's state. The implementation requires a basic messaging channel where each user and the whole group can be addressed. OpenTok includes that exact functionality for clients via the signaling API. This application uses a presence session, a global session which every client connects to in order to communicate presence information. No video streaming is done in this session.
Each client uses the presence session to build a list of the other users and keep it synchronized as users' states change. A remote user is the representation of another user and its state. This list of remote users is called the buddies list. When a user joins the app (adding a user name), that client sends a signal to the presence session with details about the user. Each other user stores the remote user's data and state.
A local user is the user who is using the application in the local browser.
Each users state changes based on chat invitations and ongoing chat sessions. For example, the user's state may be unavailable, outgoingInvitePending, or chatting. The application uses the state of each remote user, the presence information, to conduct one-to-one chats. These chats begin as an invitation from one user to another. The client who is creating the invitation is in charge of creating the new chat by requesting it from the server. The server uses the OpenTok .Net server SDK to create a new OpenTok session for the video streaming of the chat. The chat contains the OpenTok session ID, API Key, and token for the user. When the invitation is accepted, the invited user requests the same chat from the server, and the server response will contain the same chat information but with a unique token. Once both parties have this chat, they connect to it and publish and subscribe to audio-video streams.
##Server The server responds in a RESTful manner to a few different paths. Each path is given its own method in the HomeController and the paths are being routed in the Global.asax and is individually described below:
GET /presence -- The server returns the API key and the session ID for the presence session as a JSON-encoded response. Notably, the token is not generated.
POST /users -- In order for a user to connect to the presence session, they must post the required details about themselves to this endpoint. In this case, the required details just include a JSON encoded name. The handler uses the OpenTok token's connection data feature to store the user name in the token. The distinction between the name and the other state (which is sent over the presence session) is that the name never changes, so its ideal for storing in the connection data. Also, note that the token is given the role Role.SUBSRCIBER. This is because no users are allowed to publish into the presence session. If you were interested in adding authentication for the user, you would do so in this handler.
POST /chats -- When a user chooses to invite another user to a chat, it receives its the chat's representation from this handler. This handler uses the OpenTok .Net Server SDK to create a new session and return its ID along with the API key and a token. The token is unique for each participant in the chat. Since there is no authentication in this application, there is no opportunity to perform authorization in the chat. If there was, you could use this handler to create a record for the chat in a database; then when the invited user requests the chat, the handler could authorize data to make sure the requesting user is the invited user for that chat.
GET /chats?sessionId=[sessionId] -- When the invited user accepts an invitation, it also needs the details required to connect to the chat. Since there is no authentication in this application, and there are no database records for each chat that is created, the invited user is expected to know the sessionId of the chat they want to join already and send it as a query string parameter. The handler then returns the same details required to connect to the chat (session ID, API Key, token) but with another unique token.
The client JavaScript code is divided into separate files that each define a Backbone object used by the app. These are described below.
##App (web/js/app.js)
This is the main starting point for the application. Its main responsibilities are:
Initializing all models and views that are necessary at start up. Retrieving the presence session on behalf of the other objects that require it. Allowing for event dispatching for decoupled components to communicate with one another. This file exports a global variable App, which contains properties for the views and models it creates.
##ConnectModalView (web/js/views/ConnectModalView.js)
The ConnectModalView is responsible for gathering the user details required to connect to the presence session, and for connecting to the presence session.
The implementation wraps the interface for the basic Bootstrap modal. Within the modal, a form is used to collect the user name from the user.
This view uses the LocalUser instance as the model to back it. The model assists in validation and sending the data to the server. Once the server responds with the presence session data, the local user connects to the presence session, which causes the local user's status to change. When the modal observes the status changing to 'online', it is dismissed.
##LocalUser (web/js/models/LocalUser.js)
The LocalUser's responsibilities are:
Storing and managing state about the local user. Requesting presence session details from the server and validating. Updating other users with its state via the presence session. Notifying and allowing other objects to query for its state.
##UserInfoVIew (web/js/views/UserInfo.js)
The UserInfoView is also backed by the local user model. It is a simple view that is positioned in the right side of the header. It displays the user's name when connected and "Not connected" otherwise.
##BuddyList (web/js/collections/BuddyList.js)
The BuddyList is a collection of RemoteUser model objects. It encapsulates creation and deletion of remote users by receiving signals from the presence session. It also notifies other objects when the availability of a remote user changes.
##RemoteUser (web/js/models/RemoteUser.js)
The RemoteUser is a model that stores and manages the state of a remote user by receiving signals from the presence session. It notifies other objects when the remote user's status changes.
##BuddyListView (web/js/views/BuddyListView.js)
The BuddyListView handles presenting the data in the BuddyList collection. This includes enabling and disabling the UI as the status of remote users and the local user changes. It also handles user input when the camera icon button is pressed by notifying other objects that an invitation should be created.
##InvitationList (web/js/collections/InvitationList.js)
The InvitationList is a collection of Invitation model objects. Its responsibility is to encapsulate the invitation flow and rules regarding how to handle incoming and outgoing invitations. It uses signaling in the presence session to send and receive invitations.
##Invitation (web/js/models/Invitation.js)
The Invitation is a model that represents either an incoming or an outgoing invitation. Each invitation has a remote user associated with it. This class encapsulates requesting chat data from the server and allows other objects to query for that data.
##ChatView (web/js/views/ChatView.js)
The ChatView handles presenting a chat once an invitation has been sent and accepted. It is backed by a Chat model and listens for events from it to adapt the UI accordingly.
##Chat (web/js/models/Chat.js)
The Chat model encapsulates the logic used to conduct a video chat including an OpenTok session and its event handlers. It is created with a reference to the invitation which caused it to be created, and uses it to read the information needed to connect (API key, session ID, and token).