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udaycruise2903 edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 1 revision


include ‘kha’ in VALID_LANGUAGES_CODES include “Liberation Serif” in in LATIN_FONTS inserrt kha ) :: under #LATIN with default treatment

create starter traineddata

use to generate starter traineddata using kha.train.training_text and kha.eval.training_text for‘kha’. If specified -lang option is not available in tessdatadir, then by default eng.traineddata is used.

Merge unicharsets

all characters are not present in training test. Some rarely occuring characters were to be included. A textfile kha.txt was prepared containing frequent to rarely occuring characters. Then comand was used to generate starter traineddata. Only unicharset filewas retained.

Use combine_lang_model

Replace old starter traineddata generated using with new starter traineddata i. TO make punctuation list

  1. cat filename.txt | tr -cd [:punct:] | fold -w 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -bnr
  2. Copy punc.txt of eng and rename it as kha.punc.txt

ii. To make words list copy & paste the training and eval data in

Result: char count = 1424716 => 1354036 136807 too short words(s) removed 3133 capital words(s) removed

resulting 125516 words with count were copied to kha.words.txt file jong (50) – wordcount was removed manually using findall option in sublime editor.

iii. To make numbers list

manually insert the occurences in number.txt file by referencing eng.numbers.txt

Extract base model extract base model from eng.traineddata usign combine_tessdata and rename it as kha.lstm

LSTM training

lfx192 spec is used. max_iterations was set to 300000. although training stops when error rate=0.01. Output info was stored in basetrain.log LSTM training can be continued from khalayer.checkpoint using –continue-from option


eval text fiel used here has the same sourceof text used in training textfile.Hence CER=0.08 and word error rate=.19

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