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natanieljr edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 4 revisions


We primarily use Kotlin and follow the standard coding conventions outlined in

The following outlines the most important aspects.


  • Place curly braces in the end of the line where the construct begins and the closing brace on a separated line aligned vertically with the opening construct.
if (elements != null) {
    for (element in elements) {
        // ...

Horizontal whitespace

  • Put spaces around binary operators (a + b)
  • Do not put spaces around unary operators (a++)
  • Put spaces between control flow keywords (if, when, for and while) and the corresponding opening parenthesis.
  • Put a space after //: // This is a comment


Put a space before : in the following cases:

  • when it's used to separate a type and a supertype
  • when delegating to a superclass constructor or a different constructor of the same class
  • after the object keyword

Don't put a space before : when it separates a declaration and its type.

abstract class Foo<out T : Any> : IFoo {
    abstract fun foo(a: Int): T

class FooImpl : Foo() {
    constructor(x: String) : this(x) {
    val x = object : IFoo { ... } 

Annotation formatting

Can be discussed

Documentation comments

  • For longer documentation comments, place the opening /** on a separate line and begin each subsequent line with an asterisk
  • Start the sentence with an upper case letter, unless the grammar forbids.
  • Finish the comment with a point.
 * This is a documentation comment
 * on multiple lines.

Short comments can be placed on a single line:

/** This is a short documentation comment. */

Source file organization

Class layout

Use a single class per file, unless otherwise required (e.g. for sealed classes and their sub-classes)