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University of Oslo Library XSLT files for Alma letters

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This repository has been archived on Oct 14, 2022. Unfortunately we did not have the time and resources to update slipsomat, our hacky synchronizing tool, after a breaking change in Alma.

Synchronizing the letters would be much easier if there was an API for doing so, so feel free to vote for this idea (if it's not yet implemented when you read this ✨):


This is a collection of the XSL files used to generate letters and slips in Alma, as customized by the University of Oslo Library. In general, we try to make the files re-usable by others, but we fail in some cases.

We also have a Python script for synchronizing the files with Alma at

Overview of the .xsl files

Descriptions for the letters can be found in Ex Libris Knowledge Base.

Documentation for the fields is not available, and probably isn't something we can expect anytime soon. Tamar Fuches wrote the following about it on the Dev forum: "Regarding documentation, we do not have it currently. It will take time to get this ready."

A curiosity of the letters is that typos are not uncommon; from the name FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter to field names like autho_initials and what have we, odd translation placeholders like @@You_were_specify@@. Anyways, this doesn't affect the end result, it's just annoying to work with, and makes you wonder if the application code is written using the same amount of carelessness. Hopefully not.

Letters usage

Some letters are used much more than others, and should be prioritized. A sample of 3080 letters taken during a few days in June 2016 showed the following distribution:

FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter : 1002
FulTransitSlipLetter : 834
FulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter : 501
ResourceSharingShippingSlipLetter : 215
OrderListLetter : 99
FulIncomingSlipLetter : 96
FulPersonalDeliveryLetter : 87
FulUserBorrowingActivityLetter : 75
AnalyticsLetter : 64
ConversationLetter : 32
FulOutgoingEmailLetter : 32
FulLostRefundFeeLoanLetter : 16
PurchaseRequestStatusLetter : 7
FineFeePaymentReceiptLetter : 6
FulLoanReceiptLetter : 5
FulReturnReceiptLetter : 3
FulCancelEmailLetter : 2
GeneralAssignToLetter : 1
ProcessBibExportFinishedLetter : 1
InterestedInLetter : 1
POLineCancellationLetter : 1

In total, only 21 letters were used, but this was in the summer when we're not sending overdue letters and such, so I should probably make a new sample later.

Example XML data

Some examples XML files are provided in the test-data folder. The files have been generated using test users or anonymized using the provided script.


The files in xsl/letters/call_template contains templates used by the other files. This means that if you intend to use some of our letter files, such as xsl/letters/FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter.xsl, you also need to copy the template files (or at least some of them).

Ideally, we would have created new template files to hold any new templates we add, but since we aren't allowed to create new files, we have had to add new templates to the existing files. Wherever a template is used, however, we try to remember to add a comment indicating which template file the template is defined in, to ease lookup.

Our current guideline is to use

  • mailReason.xsl for all new templates, except templates having dependencies on other files (like style.xsl). This ensures that mailReason.xsl can be included in all files (also the sms templates) without having to ensure other files are also included. The templates in this file are templates we expect can be useful to others as well.

  • header.xsl for the rest.

Quick overview of new templates we've added:

  • mailReason.xsl: contains most templates, but not any that depends on other files (such as style.xsl).

    • isoDate : converts a date from dd/mm/yyyy to YYYY-MM-DD and strips away time, if present.
    • stdDate : converts a date from dd/mm/yyyy to d. m Y and strips away time, if present. Uses monthName to produce month names in the user's locale.
    • pickupNumber : Template for generating the pickup number.
    • pickupNumberWithLabel : More verbose version of the pickup number template.
  • header.xsl: contains email design templates and templates with dependencies.

    • head : Organization logo, letter name (heading) and right-aligned date
    • headWithoutLogo : Letter name (heading) and right-aligned date
    • logo : Just the logo
    • emailLogo : Logo styled for email
    • email-template : The main email template

In the other template files we've only done smaller modifications to the existing templates.


USIT har opprettet egne epost-adresser for for alle kønavnene for printerne det skal skrives til. Postmaster har konfigurert det slik at epost sendt til disse adressene sendes direkte til et enkelt Bash-script, som skriver HTML-teksten fra e-postene til disk og kaller html2ps for å konvertere fra HTML til PostScript, som så sendes til riktig printerkø basert på hvilke adresse e-posten ble sendt til.

Fordeler med løsningen inkluderer at det går kjapt (utskriftene kommer "umiddelbart" når man trykker "Print slip") og at det er en enkel løsning å drifte. En ulempe med løsningen er at html2ps ikke støtter CSS, så vi kan bare gjøre enkel formatering.

Spesielle elementer

Hentehylle og hentenummer

FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter som hentehyllelapp

Lenge fantes det ikke en egen hentehyllelapp, og FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter måtte brukes både som hentelapp for bibliotekspersonalet og som hentehyllelapp:

% if work_flow_entity/step_type = 'ON_HOLD_SHELF' then
    Hentehyllelapp retta mot bruker
% else
    Hentelapp retta mot personale
% endif

I desember 2018 la Ex Libris til en egen hentehyllelapp (basert på et Ideas Exchange-forslag).


Av personvernhensyn stiller vi opp dokumenter etter hentenummer, ikke navn. Alma har ikke noen mulighet for å genere hentenummer enda (selv om det forhåpentligvis er på vei, se Ideas Exchange-forslag). Enn så lenge generer vi derfor hentenummer selv på en litt hackete måte. Det er svært begrenset hva man kan gjøre i et lukket XSLT-miljø, så vi har ikke funnet noen måte å generere garantert unike numre på. I stedet generer vi numre som stort sett er unike. Vi har valgt å ha relativt korte numre (6 sifre), selv om det øker sjansen for en og annen kollisjon.


Nummeret vårt begynner med to sifre fra hentefrist-datoen (for å gjøre sorteringen av hentehylla enkel). Deretter legger vi på to sifre fra en bruker-ID og to sifre fra en dokument-ID. Numrene genereres i XSLT-malenpickupNumber i mailReason.xsl. I tillegg har vi en mal pickupNumberWithLabel (i samme fil) som viser "Til henting i skranken" for dokumenter som ikke har hentefrist, samt for enkelte bibliotek som ikke har selvbetjent hentehylle.

De to malene (pickupNumber og pickupNumberWithLabel) brukes av FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter (selve hentehyllelappen), samt hentemeldingene (FulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter.xsl og SmsFulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter.xsl).

Libnummer (norsk ISIL-kode)

Fire av sedlene brukes som sendelapper mellom bibliotek og har derfor libnummer nederst. Nummeret må plasseres i en fast avstand fra bunnen av arket fordi det skal være synlig i vinduskonvolutter for sending av dokumenter. For sending av bøker stikkes sedlene i bøkene slik at arket stikker ut på bunnen av boka med libummeret synlig.

  • FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter: Utlån til folkebibliotek og andre bibliotek som ikke bruker Alma. Libnummer hentes fra notification_data/user_for_printing/identifiers/code_value[1]/value.
  • ResourceSharingShippingSlipLetter: Utlån til annet Alma-bibliotek basert på bestillinger (lending requests). Libnummer hentes fra notification_data/partner_code.
    • Merk: FulIncomingSlipLetter (også kjent som Resource sharing Lending Slip Letter) ligner ganske mye på ResourceSharingShippingSlipLetter, og mange tror derfor denne kan brukes som sendeseddel for artikkelkopier – men denne mangler libnummer og adresseinformasjon og er nok ikke ment som det. Når bestillingen har fått status Shipped får man ut en ResourceSharingShippingSlipLetter som brukes som sendelapp. Gå til ship item via almamenyen, velg ship non returnable og huk av for automatisk slip. Eller trykk ‘print slip’ etter man har valgt ‘ship item’, ‘ship non returnable’ e.l.
  • ResourceSharingReturnSlipLetter: Retur til annet Alma-bibliotek. Libnummer hentes fra /notification_data/partner_address[1]/line5. (Forhåpentligvis blir notification_data/partner_code definert her også etterhvert, men per desember 2017 er det ikke det).
  • FulTransitSlipLetter: Sendelapp internt på UBO. Her har vi en hardkodet mapping fra calculated_destination_name til libnummer fordi libnummeret ikke er tilgjengelig i XML-dataene og lista over mottakere er overkommelig å vedlikeholde manuelt (mens vi venter på en bedre løsning).

For å få plassert libnummeret i en fast avstand fra bunnen av arket har vi konfigurert html2ps (dokumentasjon) til å legge innhold fra meta-taggen libnummer i bunntekst (footer):

    footer {
      left: "$[libnummer]";
      center: " ";  /* override default value */
      right: "$[address]";
      font-size: 48pt;
@page {
   margin-left: 2cm;
   margin-right: 3cm;
   margin-top: 0;
   margin-bottom: 6cm;

html2ps-oppsettet driftes av USITs gruppe for drift av meldingstjenester. For å gjøre endringer i konfigurasjonen sender vi epost til postmaster at der vi beskriver endringene – det har gått greit så langt, de svarer raskt.

Eksempel på en meta-tagg: <meta name="libnummer" content="103 0310"/>.


  • Documentation:

  • To prevent a letter from being sent: <xsl:message terminate="yes">Optional explanation</xsl:message> (see FulCancelRequestLetter.xsl for an example).

  • Footer: The link targets for "Contact us" and "My account" are set as email_my_account and email_contact_us in the General Customer Parameters mapping table (Administration > General Configuration > Configuration Menu > Other Settings). Despite the naming, these can be http URLs.

  • For Sublime Text users: Sublime Text does not highlight .xsl files by default. Click the current syntax type in the lower right corner of the window. This will open the syntax selection menu with the option to Open all with current extension as... at the top of the menu. Select XML.

  • CSS support in e-mail clients varies alot! This table is therefore super useful!

  • xsl:function is not supported!

  • XSLT processing will fail if a file has a <xsl:call-template> statement that refers to a non-existing template (or a template in a file you haven't included). This is even the case if the <xsl:call-template> statement is in a piece of code that is not used, such as in a template that is never called. It took me some time to realize this, because xsltproc from the command line doesn't fail in that case.

  • Testing sms messages: From the "XML To Letter Admin" feature in Alma, you only receive one XML file for letters that are sent both on SMS and email. If you upload this XML file to the "Notification Template" form, you get the email version of the letter. A trick to test the SMS version the letter is to just alter the content of <letter_type>, for instance from FulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter to SmsFulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter, and voila, you can upload the letter and preview the SMS (with the first line containing the receiver and sender).

  • Using xsltproc from the command line can be helpful for quick testing, albeit without translation string expansions. Example: if you have a file PlaceOnHoldShelfLetter.xml you've received from "XML To Letter Admin", calling xsltproc --path xsl/letters/call_template xsl/letters/sms/SmsFulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetter.xsl PlaceOnHoldShelfLetter.xml will produce:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    12345678 : UiO Realfagsbiblioteket.
    @@can_picked_at@@ UiO Realfagsbiblioteket.
    Hentes i skranken.
     The science of cheese. Av: Tunick, Michael H...
    @@note_item_held_until@@: 15. juli 2016.

    (Please ignore the xml header..)


University of Oslo Library XSLT files for Alma letters







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