LHSS provides a C++ implementation of Lattice-based homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) based on [BKS19], that allows us to build a secure two-party computation protocol.
[BKS19] Elette Boyle and Lisa Kohl and Peter Scholl, "Homomorphic Secret Sharing from Lattices Without FHE", pp. 3 -- 33, vol. 11477, LNCS, Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT 2019, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
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HSS is designed for secrurely evaluating branching program. The underlying computational model is called a restricted multiplication straightline (RMS) program.
HSS uses two types of data:
an encryption of a message multiplied by secret key vector (input value), and
a share of a message multiplied by secret key vector (memory value).
A multiplication on input value and memory value is possible, however, multiplication on memory values is impossible.
An addition on two shares is almost free.
An addition on two input values is possible but not recommended since it increases the failure probability of the multiplication.
The following shows an example usage of the library.
The library is header-only, which can by used by simply including lhss.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include "lhss.hpp"
using namespace lhss;
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Parameter Setup
// The maximum magnitude (in bits) of the messages during the secure computation should be provided.
Setup(64); // message magnitudes are upperbounded by 2^64
// Key-generation internally perfomed in the client instance
Client c;
auto public_key = c.GetPk();
// 2-out-of-2 additive shares of the secret key
SkShare s0, s1;
c.ShareSk(s0, s1);
// Message encryptions
uint64_t m1 = 40;
uint64_t m2 = 50;
uint64_t m3 = 20;
HSSCtxt ct1, ct2, ct3;
HSSEncrypt(public_key, m1, ct1);
HSSEncrypt(public_key, m2, ct2);
HSSEncrypt(public_key, m3, ct3);
SkShare t0_out;
{ // the evaluator0 performs the following operations
SkShare t0;
Evaluator e0(public_key, s0);
e0.ConvHSSCtxtToShare(ct1, t0);
e0.MultHSSCtxtAndShare(ct2, t0, t0_out);
e0.ConvHSSCtxtToShare(ct3, t0);
e0.AddShares(t0, t0_out);
SkShare t1_out;
{ // the evaluator1 performs the same operations as above, but with a different secret key share
Evaluator e1(public_key, s1);
SkShare t1;
e1.ConvHSSCtxtToShare(ct1, t1);
e1.MultHSSCtxtAndShare(ct2, t1, t1_out);
e1.ConvHSSCtxtToShare(ct3, t1);
e1.AddShares(t1, t1_out);
uint64_t res;
ReconstShares(t0_out, t1_out, res);
cout << "Result = " << res << endl; // 2020
return 0;
The ciphertext and plaintext moduli, and ring dimension are determined based on the followings:
Message bound (i.e., the maximum magnitude of a polynomial coefficient)
The number of multiplications
Security level
PRF implementation is not yet done. This will have a minor impact on the runtime of the multiplications.