Generate and save payload_configuration and flight documents for habitat
Install coffee-script (Super easy: install node, which comes with npm, then npm install -g coffee-script)
Checkout the habitat-template submodule
Compile js/genpayload.js
$ npm install -g coffee-script $ git submodule update --init $ coffee --join js/genpayload.js --compile coffee/*.coffee
Compile errors? coffee gives less-helpful error messages when --joining files.
Try this: coffee --print --compile coffee/*.coffee > /dev/null
- Clone the repository into a web accessible directory. You may have to change the database at the bottom of coffee/; it defaults to /habitat.
- Follow the building instructions above.
- Done :-)
Tests run using jasmine in the browser. Having compiled js/specs.js, visit jasmine.html.
You will need python with PyYAML to build the test docs.
$ pip install PyYAML
$ coffee --join js/specs.js --compile spec/*.coffee
$ python spec/
$ x-www-browser jasmine.html
genpayload.html css/* coffee/* and spec/* are Copyright 2012 Daniel Richman and licensed under the GNU GPL 3; please see
genpayload is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Several libraries are included in the js/ directory, and their various licenses (and links to their homepages) are listed in js/
The habitat template / theme is Copyright 2012 Daniel Saul, and is imported via git submodule; please see